Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1112 China Film Xingmei, take it down (Part 2)

"Xu Lan and Xu Shanshan have agreed to testify in court and directly sue you for a series of crimes such as rape, abuse of power, economic fraud, etc. Do you think that a personal secretary and the head of the procurement department, under the circumstances of mental calculation and unintentional , can't find a little bit of your tail?"

When Tao Yong's words fell to the ground, everyone instantly had an answer in their hearts.

In this battle, Jiangdong won a complete victory, and Jin Dongxu, with all the witnesses and evidences, must spend at least ten years in the kiln, or even longer!

"Jiangdong! I'm going to kill you!" Jin Dongxu was completely insane, and his voice became hoarse.

"Don't be in a hurry to shout..." Tao Yong laughed sadly.

"As for the shares in your hands, Mr. Jiang will buy them with money, but the money will not fall into your pocket..."

"When you are convicted and sentenced, your assets will be confiscated, and the government will prepare an auction. At that time, Mr. Jiang will directly take over your 25% stake in China Film Xingmei with a strong cash flow! "

"As for the money, it will become the funds for the government to develop the economy, killing many birds with one stone, hahaha!"

"In the end, it was you, Chairman Jin Dongxu, who carried everything! Hahaha!"

Accompanied by Tao Yong's wild laughter, Jin Dongxu sat down on the ground weakly.

This game of chess, he is already powerless to overturn it!


Re-bought those two vital witnesses?

No matter how much money Jin Dongxu has, is it better than Jiangdong?

100 million per person, that is 200 million, where did Jin Dongxu get so much cash?

If Jin Dongxu can't spend more than 200 million yuan to buy the two witnesses in the first place, he has no hope of turning the tables, because Jiangdong will use the most efficient method before Jin Dongxu sells shares or raises money. Send Jin Dongxu into the bitter kiln at the fastest speed!

Afterwards, a group of patrolmen rushed in and took away the distraught Jin Dongxu.

As for when this group of patrols came, no one knows, and it doesn't matter anymore...

After Jin Dongxu was taken away, Jiang Dong stood up from his seat with a calm face, and then put Tao Yong on the seat belonging to the largest shareholder under the eyes of everyone.

Sitting on this seat that he didn't even dare to think about, Tao Yong's face flushed with excitement. This was definitely the brightest moment in his life!

Jiang Dong patted Tao Yong on the shoulder, looked around coldly, and said indifferently to everyone: "From now on, Tao Yong is the head of Longjing Xingmei, responsible for everything about Longjing Xingmei. All the shares will be repurchased into my hands, and anyone who holds shares in Xingmei can contact Tao Yong, and I will buy back 1% of the shares at a price of 50 million."

After saying this, Jiang Dong walked out of the conference room without looking back, leaving everything to Tao Yong!

After Jiang Dong walked out of the meeting room, he didn't leave immediately, but stood in the corridor, waiting for Tian Yuhao who hadn't recovered from the shock...

"Everyone, Mr. Jiang treats you well. The current stock price of China Film Xingmei has reached the lowest point in history, and every 1% of the equity is only worth 30 million at most..." Tao Yong's high-spirited voice came from the conference room, "You should know that I, Tao Yong, am not Mr. Jiang. Mr. Jiang is kind, but I, Tao Yong, am a black-hearted master. To sell or not to sell, you decide for yourself!"

"I sell!"

"I sell it too!"

"President Tao! I will sign a contract with you right away!"

A group of small shareholders finally recovered from the shock and roared at the top of their lungs.

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