"Since you have reached this point, let me add one more thing!" Jiang Dong looked at Tian Yuhao playfully, "Is it because you know me, your old man's attitude towards you has changed, and he doesn't intend to let you know me?" Did you go to Shanghai to develop a relationship with Lin Su?"

"Jiang Shao is smart!" Tian Yuhao said very bachelorly: "That's right, that's what happened, because Jiang Shao can also help Tiandi Group to open up the market in Shanghai!"

"Didn't you say that I owe you a favor? Okay! I'll pay it back to you now!" Jiang Dong smiled lightly, as if he was telling a trivial matter, with a serious momentum, "I'm going to drive the Qin family to death. The six major families of the Devil City will have a seat vacant, go back and ask your old man if he is interested, if you are interested, I can help your family to the top!"

"Ah?" Tian Yuhao was so terrified that he didn't even control his feet, and slammed on the brakes, "Lying on the grass! Young Master Jiang, are you serious?"

If it hadn't been for entering the suburban area, there would be relatively few vehicles. Otherwise, just Tian Yuhao's foot would definitely cause a car accident with damages exceeding seven figures!

"Although I often lie to people, there are some things, that is, a spit and a nail." Jiang Dong patted the center console of the car, "Don't stop, keep driving."

"Hey! Good!" Tian Yuhao restarted the car subconsciously, and the Porsche 9.18 set sail again.

After a long while, seeing that Jiang Dong had no intention of speaking, Tian Yuhao asked tentatively: "Are you really sure to kill the Qin family?"

"It doesn't matter whether I am sure, what matters is that the Qin family is too irresistible." Jiang Dong spread his hands and said helplessly: "If you can't even understand something as simple as burning money, what else can the Qin family understand?" ?”

"Fuck me! Is it easy to burn money? If I have hundreds of billions of funds in my hand, I can understand it!" Tian Yuhao curled his lips and muttered in a low voice.

"Having hundreds of billions, and daring to take out hundreds of billions and burn them are not the same concept." Jiang Dong's modified body must have a different sense of hearing, "You can ask your brother Wang, Does he dare to play with me like this?"

"Brother Wang and his father dare, and so do two horses, but those are all figures at the ceiling level..." Tian Yuhao laughed embarrassingly.

At this moment, he felt that he should re-examine and evaluate Jiang Dong. He felt that the previous evaluation of Jiang Dong was too low, and he needed to improve it a few more levels!

Jiang Dong glanced at Tian Yuhao, didn't say anything, just closed his eyes silently, as if he was trying to replenish his sleep.

In fact, Jiang Dong and Tian Yuhao have nothing to talk about. Treating Tian Yuhao, Jiang Dong is more like treating a junior. Even if Tian Yuhao is older than Jiang Dong, there is no direct relationship between age and ability or energy.

Among his peers, so far, there is only one Lin Yi who can really make Jiang Dong look at him differently!

Seeing that Jiang Dong didn't speak, Tian Yuhao thought for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "Jiang Shao, look, can we reach a strategic alliance?"

"Alliance? Okay!" Jiang Dong opened his eyes, and glanced at Tian Yuhao playfully, "What benefits can your Tiandi Group bring me?"

"All-round support, including...information sharing!" Tian Yuhao said coldly.

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