"Good! Good! Good!" Bai Ziyu was stunned for a long time before he said the three words "good". After speaking, he walked out of Tiandi Circuit without looking back.

"What!" Tian Yuhao spat, his face was full of displeasure, and the moment he turned to face Jiang Dong that day, his face immediately became full of smiles, "Brother Dong, everything is settled, we can sign the contract directly!"

Tian Yuhao didn't directly say that he signed the contract. After all, there are many people here. Maybe Jiang Dong doesn't want people to know about his acquisition of the racing team?

This is Tian Yuhao's shrewdness, and it is also one of the fundamental reasons why Jiang Dong is willing to play with him!

"Okay! Bring the contract!" Jiang Dong hooked his fingers towards Tian Yuhao.

Tian Yuhao immediately passed over a contract and a pen, and Jiang Dong signed the contract without even looking at it. According to the transfer record to Tian Yuhao last night, Jiang Dong directly transferred another 200 million.

"Brother Dong! Niubi!" Tian Yuhao sincerely gave Jiang Dong a thumbs up.

One is because of Jiang Dong's way of spending money like water, even Tian Yuhao, who came from a wealthy family, was amazed.

The second is Jiangdong's courage in handling affairs. He signed the contract without even looking at it. What does this mean?

On behalf of Jiangdong, there is no fear!

No matter what is written in this contract, Jiang Dong has absolute confidence that he will not be tricked, or no one will dare to trick him!

To be honest, Tian Yuhao has never seen this kind of courage, and his brother Wang is not good at it. In this respect, Jiang Dong is the only one!

The third point is that Jiang Dong gave Tian Yuhao enough face and trust. The whole thing was handled by Tian Yuhao. Jiang Dong signed the contract without even looking at it. This feeling of being extremely trusted, Tian Yuhao really never Never experienced it!

Through signing the contract, Tian Yuhao has now completely become Jiang Dong's little fan, even though he is older than Jiang Dong, but this does not prevent Tian Yuhao from admiring Jiang Dong!

"Are you all right?" Jiang Dong glanced at Tian Yuhao.

"It's okay!" Tian Yuhao nodded knowingly immediately, "What's your order, Brother Dong?"

"Get a car, she's about to take the driver's license test, let her practice!" Jiang Dong raised his chin towards Yi Tong beside him, "It's best to find a coach for special training. The driver's license test is just a formality. The important thing is to let her really master the skills of driving."

"No problem!" Tian Yuhao immediately pulled the dark-skinned middle-aged man over, "Brother Dong, let me introduce you, his name is Huo Zhen, the team leader, a retired professional racing driver, and he will be a sister-in-law." There is absolutely nothing wrong with the coach!"

It has to be said that Tian Yuhao is very discerning, and after just a few moments of contact, he judged the relationship between Jiang Dong and Yitong.

However, what Tian Yuhao said made Yi Tong's pretty face turn red, and even Jiang Dong couldn't help coughing lightly.

"Okay! Old Huo, teach her!" Jiang Dong patted Huo Zhen on the shoulder and said, "It's a bit overkill, you worked hard!"

"Brother Dong is serious, this is what I should do!" Huo Zhen was so flattered that he wished he could pass on his lifelong knowledge to Yi Tong right away.

Jiang Dong has now officially become the owner of the Porsche racing team, so Huo Zhen is Jiang Dong's subordinate, teaching the proprietress to drive, this is a great honor for Huo Zhen!

In particular, Tian Yuhao praised Jiang Dong so much, and Jiang Dong was so generous, without a word of nonsense, he directly signed a purchase contract of 200 million yuan. For Huo Zhen, these were all things that shattered the three views!

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