After hearing Dao Baqiang's words, Zhang Qingshan started chatting while starting the car, "Brother Dong, are you interested in buying Sha Kun's property?"

"If it's an auction, we will definitely buy it!" Jiang Dong said with a bit of playfulness: "After all, we are the leading company in Nanxian District!"

"Hahaha! Yes! Leading enterprise!" Zhang Qingshan also laughed loudly, he has completely come out of the shadow just now.

Suddenly, Jiang Dong's phone rang, and looking down, it turned out to be Xia Xue calling.

"President Xia, you haven't contacted me for a long time?" Jiang Dong answered the phone and teased Xia Xue in a rather pleasant mood.

"Mr. Jiang, have you offended Mrs. Tang?" Xia Xue cut to the chase, with a rather heavy tone.

"Oh?" Jiang Dong said unexpectedly: "You are very well informed?"

"Informed?" Xia Xue smiled helplessly, and it seemed that her guess was true, "It's not that I'm well-informed, it's that the auction just sent me a notice that Sha Kun will not be attending, and we have no competition." They are rivals, but Tang and Qin suddenly asked to join the auction, intending to contribute to the economic development of Nanxian District... I thought, it must be you and Tang who fell out too!"

"Tang Shi and Qin Shi are also coming to the auction to join in the fun?" Jiang Dong was surprised that these two families joined forces so quickly?

"Actually, it's normal when you think about it carefully." Xia Xue analyzed the situation in front of her solemnly.

"We are now in a fierce battle with the Qin Corporation, burning money is crazy. At this juncture, if you and the Tang Corporation fall out, the Tang Corporation only needs to remind the Qin Corporation, and the Qin Corporation will definitely stand by the Tang Corporation without hesitation. Deal with us together!"

"If my guess is correct, these two companies plan to win Wei Ding's property through bidding. First, they can extend their tentacles to Nanxian District logically, and second, they can suppress us at the auction and make us lose face. At the same time They also boosted their morale and announced to the Longguo business community that they are not soft-legged shrimps, and we are just paper tigers who are strong outsiders but dry in the middle..."

Xia Xue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after speaking so many words eloquently.

"Your analysis is good, that's what it is." Jiang Dong still agrees with Xia Xue's ability. Compared with when the two first met, Xia Xue has undoubtedly improved a lot.

If it is divided according to the talent level of the system, Xia Xue has definitely surpassed the elite level given by the system at the beginning, and has entered the ranks of professional level.

"We are now going to face directly two of the six major families in the Demon City, why are you so calm?" Xia Xue complained a little.

In fact, she is in a panic now, calling Jiang Dong, not only to tell Jiang Dong the changes in the auction, but also to seek comfort.

After all, two months ago, Xia Xue was still a person who was fired by the company, and her psychological growth would definitely be much slower.

"What's so scary?" Jiang Dong couldn't explain his confidence to Xia Xue, he couldn't tell Xia Xue that he has a system, don't be afraid, right?

"Okay!" Xia Xue sighed helplessly, "Then tell me, what should we do?"

"Cold salad!" Jiang Dong said indifferently, and then changed the topic, "By the way, how much stock did you buy from China Film Star Beauty?"

"80%!" Xia Xue replied absent-mindedly, "Where are you?"

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