"The last ones are Dongpu District and Nanxian District. If my guess is correct, the big leaders of Li Linhai and Nanxian District are on the wrong track, and there is a festival, but in the matter of the auction, the more prosperous Dongpu District You have the right to speak, the leaders of Nanxian District have never done anything to Li Linhai, so the auction will be presided over by Li Linhai!"

After hearing Jiang Dong's explanation, Dao Scarqiang suddenly realized.

"Brother Dong means that if the leader of Nanxian District wants to chat with Brother Dong, he probably has something to do with Li Linhai, right?" Zhang Qingshan followed the clues and thought of another matter.

"Sure!" Jiang Dong nodded and said in a firm tone.

"That's interesting!" Zhang Qingshan laughed, and for the first time in his life, Zhang Qingshan had a feeling of giving advice.

"Okay, the auction has started." Jiang Dong pointed to Li Linhai who had finished his speech on the stage, and said with a smile.

After Li Linhai's speech ended, the banquet hall fell into silence for the first time.

And Li Linhai seemed to feel that at this moment, he had reached the pinnacle of his life...

The two chairmen of the Qin Corporation, the President of the Tang Corporation, and Jiang Dong, who had a feud with Li Linhai but quickly became popular in the Devil City and became the most famous person in the Devil City, were all listening to him in the audience. This feeling, It was definitely a highlight moment that Li Linhai had never experienced before!

Excited, Li Linhai flipped through the auction process notebook he had prepared before, cleared his throat, and shouted impassionedly: "Now, the auction officially begins. The first property we are about to auction is located in Nanxian A bar in the district, please watch the big screen..."

When Li Linhai's voice fell, the staff began to control the big screen, showing the location of the bar, the internal environment, and the recent sales situation in front of the eyes of several bigwigs.

"The starting price for the bar is 7 million Dragon Dollars, and each bid must not be less than 100,000 Dragon Dollars!" Li Linhai yelled, and then raised his hands, indicating that the three big bosses in the audience can start bid.

However, an embarrassing scene appeared...

Jiang Dong was absent-mindedly playing with his mobile phone, and he was showing his prestige to Ning Siqi, while the two chairmen of the Qin Corporation were whispering to each other, and Tang Corporation's delegation was even more straightforward, closing their eyes one after another...

The awkward silence enveloped the banquet hall, forcing Li Linhai to cough, "Cough! Everyone, you can bid now!"

Still no one responded to Li Linhai.

"If you guys don't plan to bid for this bar, we'll replace it with another one!" Li Linhai's field control ability is still good, after all, he is a big leader. After getting over the initial excitement, he also calmed down.


"Brother Dong, can we get in?" Zhang Qingshan also took out his laptop and called up the information of the bar, "According to the information that President Xia gave me, the value of this bar is around 8 million. About one million now, are we going to take it?"

"If neither of them will do anything, then we will do it!" Jiang Dong locked his phone, narrowed his eyes and looked at the Qin brothers and Tang Yuru.

What the hell are these three guys doing?

Aren't you going to bid?

Why don't you do it yet?

There is only one explanation...

This bar is not their goal. Qin and Tang's visit this time is not only to slap Jiang Dong in the face, but the main purpose is to create value for their respective consortiums!

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