Before Tang Xianming finished speaking, Tang Yuru directly raised his hand to block Tang Xianming's eyes. Tang Xianming swallowed the second half of the sentence subconsciously!

"Jiangdong, I doubt whether your capital chain is capable of taking over the Tianding Hotel." Tang Yuru began to use outside tactics.

"Whether I can eat at the Tianding Hotel, you don't have to worry about it. You only need to worry about whether you can eat at the Tianding Hotel." Jiang Dong turned his head and looked at Tang Yuru with a wicked smile.

Seeing Jiang Dong's expression, Tang Yuru didn't even get angry, but he still couldn't say anything...

As Jiang Dong said, auctions are based on their own abilities. If the Tang family can bid, Jiang Dong can also bid!

During the time when Tang and Qin were both silent, Li Linhai on the stage saw the timing and yelled, "Four hundred million for the first time!"

Li Linhai knew that this was the correct way to open the auction.

The higher the price of the commodity auction, the more it can prove the success of the auction, so this is definitely a good thing for Li Linhai.

Even though Li Linhai and Jiang Dong had a big enmity, at this moment, Li Linhai felt that Jiang Dong didn't seem so annoying all of a sudden...

For Li Linhai's first drop of the hammer, neither Qin nor Tang made any further bids.

Reluctantly, in order to stimulate the price, Li Linhai dropped the hammer again, "400 million for the second time!"

It's been the second time, now, the Qin brothers and Tang Yuru are a little anxious!

"Four hundred million and one million!" Qin Yuanhang bid first, no matter what, the most important thing now is not to let Li Linhai drop the hammer for the third time!

"Hahaha!" As soon as Qin Yuanhang's quotation appeared, Jiang Dong immediately let out a mocking laugh, "The price has been increased to 400 million, and you still want to increase it by one million one million? It seems that the six big A corner of the family has begun to crumble!"

"What?" Qin Yuanhang stood up angrily, glared at Jiang Dong and said, "How dare you look down on the Qin family?"

"Correct your mistake..." Jiang Dong stared at Qin Yuanhang who was furious, and said every word: "It's not that I look down on the Qin family, I have never looked down on the Qin family!"

"Fuck!" Qin Yuanhang's anger rose to the peak in an instant.

If this wasn't an auction, Qin Yuanhang would have ordered someone to abolish Jiangdong directly!

"Everyone is a civilized person, so it's not good to swear." Jiang Dong glanced at Qin Yuanhang, and then added another sentence: "Of course, you are not among the civilized people, so you continue."

"Ah!" Qin Yuanhang yelled, and stepped on the chair with one foot, he was about to be mad by Jiang Dong.

"Be quiet!" Li Linhai on the stage could not allow this auction to go wrong. Seeing that Qin Yuanhang was about to lose control, Li Linhai immediately shouted: "The auction will continue! Qin's bid is 401 million. Is there anyone who continues to bid?"

Li Linhai brought the subject back to the auction, and Qin Yuanhang sat back in his seat resentfully, not forgetting to stare at Jiang Dong provocatively, "Aren't you rich? Don't you call yourself a god? Don't you look down on the one million that our Qin family added? Come on! Let me see how much you can add!"

"Hehe!" Jiang Dong laughed sadly, and looked at Qin Yuanhang with a look of stupid beeping, "Why should I increase the price? Any fool knows that the Tianding Hotel is only worth 300 million, and you shout It's one million more than four hundred million, and I'm not stupid, so why increase the price?"

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