At noon, since Xu Yangguang hadn't come back yet, after class, Jiang Dong, He Lin and Lu Zhuang went to the cafeteria to have lunch. Coincidentally, they met Lin Su and Yi Tong while eating.

"What a coincidence?" Jiang Dong waved at Yi Tong.

"You came back from Longjing so soon?" Yi Tong looked at Jiang Dong in surprise.

"Everything is done, I came back, staying there is a waste of time." Jiang Dong smiled lightly, "Do you want to eat together?"

"No, Susu and I are going to train after dinner, and we have also signed up for the sports meeting." Yitong smiled.

"Okay, see you later!" Jiang Dong waved his hand, and went to the dining table not far away with the surprised duo.

Yi Tong and Jiang Dong were not too embarrassed, and even greeted each other generously, which attracted Lin Su's sideways glances.

"Tongtong, what are you thinking? I thought you wouldn't say hello to him!" Lin Su chased after him gossipingly.

"What's the matter? Anyway, none of us pierced that layer of window paper!" Yitong said calmly: "Besides, if we can't even be ordinary friends because of his money, wouldn't it be a bit double-handed?" Marked? After all, you and I are still good friends!"

"You're right when you say that!" Lin Su nodded half-understood, "Hey! Tongtong! Is there any chance between you and Jiangdong?"

"Eat, you!" Yitong obviously didn't want to discuss this issue any more.

The fire of gossip in Lin Su's heart, like a volcano about to erupt, made her extremely tormented.

"No, I have to do something!" Lin Su made up his mind secretly, and then began to eat.

After lunch, the e-sports guy went back to the dormitory to continue his e-sports career. It is worth mentioning that He Lin recently started his live broadcasting career on Tiger Live. In his words, he needs to accumulate a little popularity before entering a professional team.

And Lu Zhuang started training with Zheng Tao's group. After all, there are only three days left before the sports meeting begins.

Jiang Dong, who was alone, didn't feel lonely, because he was going to work at Datang Hot Pot Restaurant, and he didn't have classes in the afternoon anyway.

Outside the Datang hotpot restaurant, Tang Hao was still the same, squatting on the side of the road smoking a cigarette.

"Come back so soon?" When Tang Hao saw Jiang Dong, his expression was obviously stunned. It seemed that he didn't expect that Jiang Dong would return to the magic capital so soon.

"It's just to go around and relax." Jiang Dong replied with a smile, "What's more, the sports meeting is about to start, so it's time to get ready."

"Speaking of the sports meeting, I just heard from some members of the student union that there seems to be bonuses!" Tang Hao said casually, "Anyway, you don't care about bonuses."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested, Jiang Dong's eyes lit up instantly.

Games prize money?

If Jiang Dong gets it, will the system judge it as funds that can be signed in?

But Jiang Dong thought about it again, even if he got the sports meeting bonus, it was obtained by relying on the ability given by the system, shouldn't it be counted?

Jiang Dong is not yet sure about the system's review standards, anyway, he will know when he tries it!

"If you have a chance to get a bonus, you must give it a try. After all, this is something to honor the class, right?" Jiang Dong smiled and said to Tang Hao: "I'm going to work, Brother Hao .”

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