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Chapter 1180 Lin Su Finally Did A Good Deed

"Hehe!" Lu Tianming took a peek at Xu Tiankuo whose facial features were almost distorted, and couldn't help but chuckled secretly in his heart, "Jiang Shao is definitely a monster. Facing this kind of monster, Xu Tiankuo has no chance of winning at all. The ridiculous thing is, this guy I thought I was awesome, hot chicken!"

Naturally, Xu Tiankuo didn't know Lu Tianming's heartfelt voice, but Xu Tiankuo only knew that all the cheers were given to Jiang Dong, and he became the existence that was ignored by everyone!

For Xu Tiankuo, the chairman of the student union of the School of Economics and a figure in every aspect of the school, this is definitely the biggest shame and humiliation in his life so far!

No one would care about the losers, especially Jiang Dong, because he never regarded Xu Tiankuo as the number one person from the bottom of his heart!

Jiang Dong walked slowly towards the phalanx of the No. 1 Mine Management Team, but wherever he passed, he remembered thunderous applause, but Jiang Dong didn't notice a pair of beautiful eyes hiding in the corner, secretly staring at him ...

"Hi!" Lin Su did not know when she appeared behind Yi Tong, and patted Yi Tong hard, causing Yi Tong to shudder.

"Oh! Susu! What are you doing! You scared me to death!" Yi Tong turned around abruptly, and after finding out that it was Lin Su, she couldn't help complaining.

"Yo Yo Yo!" Lin Su looked Yi Tong up and down, and finally, Lin Su's eyes fell on Yi Tong's red eyes, "What? I'm so moved that I cried? Do you think Jiang Dong is getting better and better?"

"You're the one who talks a lot!" Yi Tong hurriedly wiped away her tears, and deliberately turned her head away, not looking at Lin Su.

"Tongtong, if you like it, go after it, don't care what other people think, because you are you, and you live your whole life for yourself, not in the opinions of others!" Lin Suyi spoke to Yitong righteously. Speaking of it, this is the first time Lin Su has spoken in such a serious manner, "You dare not approach Jiang Dong because he is too rich, and you are afraid that others will gossip behind his back, but you have already become friends with me, so don't worry about it That bullshit, remember, live for yourself!"

"Susu..." Yi Tong looked at Lin Su in an extremely complicated manner.

Lin Su's words are very reasonable, at least for Yi Tong, it is tantamount to a slap in the face.

But Yitong needs time to change himself, and immediately agrees with Lin Su's words, Yitong can't do it!

Having said that, if Jiang Dong heard Lin Su's words, he would definitely be shocked, and his first reaction was... Lin Su finally did a good thing!

At the same time, Jiang Dong had already walked back to the phalanx of the first class of mine management. Under the leadership of the instructor Wang Bin, all the students of the first class of mine management stood up and made a gesture of worship to Jiang Dong.

"Lying grass! Brother Dong! You are so powerful!"

"Do you know that you almost broke the world record of 400 meters just now?"

"Many world champions and even Olympic champions are not as good as you!"

Wang Bin, Xu Yangguang, He Lin and the others roared at the top of their lungs as if they were worshiping a god, not to mention how excited they were.

"Calm down!" Jiang Dong smiled and made a palm downward motion towards the crowd, "This is just the beginning, and it will be the 200-meter preliminaries in a while, and the surprise is still going on!"

"Brother Dong is mighty!"

"I knew, Brother Dong is definitely not an ordinary person!"

"I'm looking forward to Dong Ge's next performance, no, it's a performance!"

The students roared with great excitement.

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