"Brother Dong, why don't you go and comfort your girlfriend?" Xu Yangguang gave Jiang Dong a push.

"Many things!" Jiang Dong glanced at Xu Yangguang, but his body was very honest, he stood up straight and walked towards Yitong who was in the distance.

The students in Class 1 of Mine Management started booing, but Jiang Dong didn't care at all, and walked towards Yi Tong without distraction.

Jiang Dong was getting closer and closer to Yi Tong, but at this moment, Jiang Dong was stopped by a domineering female voice, "Jiang Dong! Stop!"

"What are you going to do again?" Jiang Dong turned around very unhappy.

The person standing behind Jiang Dong was none other than Lin Su!

"What's the matter? Are you just talking to your benefactor like this?" Lin Su was surprisingly not angry, but raised her eyebrows, as if she was convinced of Jiang Dong.

"Benefactor? When did you become my benefactor?" Jiang Dong curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"Fucking grass!" Lin Su, a rich young lady, swears out of nowhere, "You ungrateful guy, if it weren't for your aunt to mediate, with Tongtong's rigid personality, would you agree to it?"

"Ah?" Jiang Dong's eyes widened, and he looked at Lin Su in shock.


Jiangdong is really shocked now!

He really didn't expect that Lin Su, the demon king of the world, would help him in such a matter!

"Ah shit!" Lin Su held her head high, and said to Jiang Dong proudly: "Grandma persuaded Tongtong for a long time just now, but she really tried her best! You bastard..."

Before Lin Su finished speaking, Jiang Dong decisively interrupted him, "Don't say anything, can't I accept your favor? Tell me! What do you want in return?"

"Just accept it!" Lin Su was not annoyed because Jiang Dong interrupted her, on the contrary, she raised the corners of her mouth proudly, "I want you to give me something, do you have to tell me? You didn't have a beep in your heart count?"

There are not many opportunities to point fingers at Jiang Dong, Lin Su will definitely not let this opportunity pass by!

"Okay! Whatever you say is right!" Jiang Dong was also speechless, but he couldn't say anything, "I know what you want me to do, and now I have a chance!"

In fact, Jiang Dong knew in his heart that Lin Su occupied a very important position in Yi Tong's heart. If Lin Su hadn't intervened, it would have been impossible for Yi Tong to have such a big change in Jiang Dong's view, and even kissed Jiang Dong on his own initiative. Impossible.

"Hey..." Lin Su finally showed a smile like a little devil, "Then we have reached an alliance?"

"Achieved!" Jiang Dong directly stated, "All the industries under my banner will ignore the previous suspicions and reach an in-depth cooperation with Lin's. The alliance will not be terminated until I help your brother secure the position of Lin's head!"

"You're smart!" Lin Su said with a satisfied smile, "Then tell me, what opportunity do you have right now?"

Jiang Dong didn't respond to Lin Su directly, but turned around and looked at Yi Tong who was standing a few meters away. Immediately, Jiang Dong quickly walked up to Yi Tong. Tong's hand, and then turned towards Lin Su...

This scene made everyone dumbfounded.

Even the person involved, Yi Tong, was in a stunned situation, but stiffly and mechanically let Jiang Dong hold her hand, and walked towards Lin Su...

It is no exaggeration to say that Yitong's brain is blank at the moment, the kind that has completely lost the ability of autonomy!

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