"What's the matter? Didn't you get a seat at the Ultraviolet Restaurant?" Lin Su smiled complacently, and didn't give Jiang Dong a chance to speak at all, "You guy, you are too unreliable, right? This should be Is it the first time you formally invite Tongtong to dinner? Why can’t you even manage a restaurant? How can you let me trust you with Tongtong? Are you okay?”

"Susu! You can just eat whatever you want. In fact, going to the cafeteria is also good!" Yi Tong's voice of complaint also sounded, but it seemed that Lin Su suppressed her.

Later, Lin Su didn't give Jiang Dong a chance to speak, and continued to taunt Jiang Dong: "Aren't you Shenhao? Try spending money on the Ultraviolet restaurant to see if you can get a seat! Actually, there is no need to bring all of you In the past, it would have been great if you could get some of us positions!"

"Can I say something?" Jiang Dong was both helpless and unhappy.

Lin Su's mouth was just like Gatlin's, saying that Jiang Dong had no chance to intervene at all, only when Lin Su gave up talking on his own initiative, Jiang Dong would have the chance to speak.

One thing to say, Lin Su is definitely one of the few people who can deflate Jiang Dong!

"Okay! Say it!" Lin Su seemed very happy.

"I've already booked the Ultraviolet restaurant. It should be reserved. Thirty of us can go together!" Jiang Dong said calmly.

"What? Say it again?" Lin Su's voice instantly rose a little bit, and even his tone was completely gone from the complacency before, replaced by an incomparable shock, Jiang Dong could even imagine Lin Su's expression at this time , definitely the stiff and embarrassing kind!

"I said, everything is ready, the car sent by Ultraviolet to pick us up is already on the way!" Jiang Dong repeated.

"I...fuck..." Lin Su couldn't hold back, and yelled out the most direct and surprising line of insults she had in these years, "What kind of background do you have? Is this okay?"

"Okay, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, give me your grandpa's phone number, I have something to do with your grandpa!"

"Why are you looking for my grandfather?" Lin Su immediately became vigilant.

"There must be something important to talk about!"

Lin Su thought for a while, and finally gave Jiang Dong Lin Zhenhai's personal phone number.

Originally, Lin Su didn't intend to give it to her, but through the incident of the Ultraviolet Restaurant, Jiang Dong once overturned Lin Su's cognition and world view, and even made Lin Su give birth to an illusion that her status and status were no longer equal to Jiang Dong's. ...

That's why Lin Su told Jiang Dong about Lin Zhenhai's private phone number, because Lin Su felt that only Lin Zhenhai could communicate with him on an equal footing in Jiang Dong now!

"Let's meet at the main entrance of the dormitory area!" Jiang Dong replied to Lin Su and hung up the phone.

Jiang Dong didn't call Lin Zhenhai immediately, but returned to the class phalanx, calling everyone to change clothes, take a bath, and then gather at the main entrance of the dormitory area.

After making arrangements for everyone, Jiang Dong, Xu Yangguang, Xu Mengmeng, Lu Zhuang and He Lin also returned to the dormitory.

It's just that Jiang Dong was always walking behind them all the way, and it wasn't until a certain distance was drawn that Jiang Dong took out his phone and dialed Lin Zhenhai.

Lin Zhenhai seemed to have learned from Lin Su that Jiang Dong would call him, the busy tone only rang once, and Lin Zhenhai connected.

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