
It's these four words!

Even Xu Yangguang, who has absolute confidence in Jiangdong, doesn't think Jiangdong can succeed!

Yitong and Xu Mengmeng didn't know what Jiangdong and the others were talking about, but the two daughters had heard of names such as Tang and Qin, so the second daughter felt that Jiangdong and the others were discussing a major event, so Didn't interrupt.

As for Lin Su and Xu Yangguang in the discussion group, they couldn't keep calm anymore, especially Lin Su, he seemed to be getting worse...

"Jiangdong, are you crazy? Do you know how much power the three families you mentioned have in Shanghai?" Lin Su's voice suddenly rose a little.

"It is no exaggeration to say that if the fields of these three major families are planned together, they will almost span all the industries you know today!"

"The Xu family, hotels and catering, tourism development, and mineral resources are second to none in Shanghai!"

"Tang's, mainly in real estate, is firmly in the top two in Shanghai. The only one that can compete with Tang's is our Lin. In addition, Tang's aviation is also the number one in Shanghai. The most representative one is Modu Aviation Group!"

"Qin, maybe they are being led by your nose in terms of theater chains, but in terms of import, export and real estate, they still have strong capital!"

"What about you? Apart from a China Film Xingmei who burns money like crazy, and a famous Dongfang Group, what else do you have?"

"It's okay to be young and energetic, but excessive arrogance is brainless!"

By the end of Lin Su's speech, her way of speaking had changed into a roar.

But I have to admit, Lin Su's words are clear and to the point, even to the point!

Even Jiang Dong couldn't help nodding when he heard this.

She is not as crazy as she seems on the surface.

This is not surprising, coming from a wealthy family like the Lin family, which can almost be called the first family in Shanghai, if she is too mediocre, Jiang Dong will be surprised!

As for Lin Zhong, his depravity has a lot to do with Lin Tianyu's doting.

At the very least, Lin Yi and Lin Su, who lack the love of father and mother, will not feel the doting atmosphere of Lin Zhong. It can be said that this pair of brothers and sisters have been living in struggle and revenge...

"I can't tell, your overall view is quite strong!" Jiang Dong looked at Lin Su and teased, "But you don't seem to know me very well..."

"What's the use of me knowing you? I just need to know the power of those three companies!" Lin Su and Jiang Dong argued, "It's meaningless for you to start this business war, unless you have endless funds! "

"That's right! I really have endless funds!" Jiang Dong joked.


He can now get 1 billion for signing in every day, and the day of system upgrade is close at hand. It is said that what kind of surprises the system after the second level will bring to Jiangdong is still unknown for the time being, but it will definitely become stronger and stronger !

Therefore, Jiang Dong has the confidence and capital to say these words!

"Okay! If you have the capital, just pretend I didn't say anything!" Lin Su stared at Jiang Dong for a long time, and finally leaned on the co-pilot's seat, and let out a heavy breath, "How can Lin cooperate with you? , Let’s talk straight, I can talk to you on behalf of my brother.”

"Sell me a real estate company, and I want to start a new money-burning battlefield with Tang!" Jiang Dong said calmly: "For the rest, you Lin can follow my rhythm, and you will lose some money in the early stage. But in the later stage, I guarantee that you will all earn back!"

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