Magical lighting will decorate the luxurious hall in front of everyone's eyes, setting off the beauty, as if you are in a fantasy world.

The surrounding walls are covered with famous paintings of various colors. Even the most common tables and chairs are full of artistic sense, and each one has a different shape.

"Welcome all distinguished guests!" A white-haired old man in a tuxedo with a friendly smile on his face appeared in the middle of the hall, "This is the Ultraviolet Restaurant, the most avant-garde, most luxurious, and most mysterious restaurant in Shanghai, there is no one !"

As soon as the old man's words fell, the lights in the hall suddenly flickered, and some areas that had been kept dark before were gradually revealed to everyone...

There is a small indoor lake with steaming white air, a small rockery with various lights, and even a miniature bamboo forest in the corner...

Everything here is full of luxury and surprise!

Seeing this scene, everyone shouted excitedly. This scene is definitely one of the highlight moments in their lives!

Even Xu Yangguang and Xu Mengmeng, the two rich second generations, showed excited expressions.

"Did you see the strange light shining on the rockery?" Lin Su glanced at Xu Yangguang, and said with disdain: "Because the rockery is inlaid with many gemstones, it is just such an indoor rockery, which was photographed in the continent of Europa back then." A high price of 40 million!"

Lin Su's voice was not loud. At first, only a few people around Xu Yangguang heard it, but as the news spread and spread, everyone in the mine management team knew the value of the fake mountain.

In an instant, the whole audience cracked!

"Fucking grass! The things bought for 40 million yuan are just used as decorations?"

"Hurry up! Take a photo with the rockery!"

"I want to post to Moments!"

"Lying grass! If I can come to this place to eat once in my life, I will die without regret!"

All the students were completely frightened.

Who knows how much the other stuff here is worth?

Is this riding a hotel?

It is simply a treasure!

Amidst the screams of the crowd, Lin Su said calmly: "The feature of this restaurant is that it uses projectors and various special lighting effects to create different atmospheres and provide guests with a brand new sensory experience."

"The most exaggerated thing is that each dish has its own special and independent tableware, video, music and smell, including the cooking skills and taste of the dish, and it is absolutely unique and delicious. Combined with its charm and mystery, it is definitely doing its part. Nanbowan, the magic city restaurant!"

Lin Su's words made the students who had never seen anything in the world even more crazy. Even Yi Tong, who had always been calm, began to look forward to it.

"If you like this place, you can come here more often." Jiang Dong embraced Yi Tong's slender waist under the dim light. A proper "waist essence", it seems that those who practice dance have an advantage, "The owner of this store is a friend of mine who is not really a friend."

"Is the relationship so complicated?" Yi Tong lowered her head shyly, but she didn't dislike Jiang Dong's actions, instead she felt a little joy in her heart.

"It's very complicated! You'll know later!" Jiang Dong didn't explain much, he said too much, he was afraid that Yi Tong would be worried, after all, he would soon have a life-and-death battle with the owner of this shop.

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