Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1210 Jiangdong vs Mo Silent (Part 2)

After placing the teacup in front of Jiang Dong, Mo Wusheng finally grinned, "I seem to understand now why foster father values ​​you so much!"

"How to say?" Jiang Dong looked at Mo Wusheng in surprise, he didn't know what Mo Wusheng wanted to express.

"Do you know what my foster father said to me before he left?"

Jiang Dong didn't speak, just shook his head.

Mo Wusheng continued: "Yefu said, if you can kill him openly, he will let me assist you!"

"Kill him? Then you come to help me?" Jiang Dong couldn't help shaking his head.

What is the logic?

Ask Mo Wusheng to help kill his father and enemy?

The cook really didn't play his cards according to the routine as the rumors said!

"You don't understand Yifu's obsession with this battle. He has waited for twenty years!" Mo Wusheng sighed heavily, "This battle has become a nightmare in Yifu's heart. The only way to fight is with you. In order to resolve everything that the foster father has carried all these years, no matter what the result is, it is a kind of relief for the foster father. After this battle, no matter whether he lives or dies, the foster father will have nothing to worry about. Strictly speaking, you are my And the benefactor of the adoptive father."

"Your logic..." Jiang Dong really didn't know what to say.

The cook is mentally abnormal, and this Mo Wusheng also looks a little abnormal, doesn't he?

"We are all people with obsession in our hearts. We have identified a path. Even if it is death, we will go to the end without hesitation!" Mo Wusheng suddenly changed the subject, "However, I must first know your strength. It's not what the foster father expected, because I don't want to disappoint the foster father!"

"Is it necessary?" Jiang Dong said calmly.

"Yes!" Mo Wusheng nodded heavily, "This battle is the foster father's long-cherished wish, if you can't beat me, the foster father will be disappointed, then the obsession in his heart will not be released, so, There is no need for this battle."

"Is that so? Then I understand!" Jiang Dong stood up slowly, walked to the middle of the empty hall, and waved at Mo Wusheng, "There is no need to drink tea. After I win you, I hope you can answer I have a question."

"Are you so confident?" Mo Wusheng frowned, but the suspicion on his face was replaced by ferocity the next moment.

Usually, Mo Wusheng is a simple and honest young man, but once he does it, he is a complete lunatic!

If fighting Jiang Dong or Jiang Qitian is the long-cherished wish of the cook, then punching is the meaning of Mo Wusheng's life!

"As long as you can beat me, I will answer your question, provided that I know the answer." Mo Wusheng stood up and walked slowly to Jiang Dong.

Mo Wusheng made a gesture of free fighting. At this moment, his eyes were burning with fierce flames of war, and the corners of his mouth even raised a bloodthirsty arc.

"Come on!" Jiang Dong put his hands behind his back, and the middle door was wide open, showing no signs of defense at all.

Jiang Dong's contempt completely angered Mo Wusheng!

Mo Wusheng let out a low growl, and like a cheetah, he punched Jiang Dong fiercely at a speed that almost reached the limit of human beings!

Mo Wusheng's full speed is very fast, the kind that can almost cause a sonic boom. In terms of strength alone, he is definitely the strongest among all the martial arts practitioners Jiang Dong has seen, even better than Xu Dong back then!

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