Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1212: The Ball Game Begins (Part 1)

Ask the cook?


Ever since Jiang Dong knew that ultraviolet light was the cook's industry, he had made up his mind to come to see the cook, in order to find the answer twenty years ago!

Why did Jiang Qitian suddenly live in seclusion?

And why the sudden violent death?

Moreover, the ashes in the urn did not belong to Jiang Qitian!

How many secrets are hidden in it?

Jiang Dong exhaled forcefully, the mystery seemed to be getting closer, but it seemed to be getting farther and farther away.

Mo Wusheng didn't say much, but left the teahouse without saying a word.

Jiang Dong stood there for a long while, until he had completely digested the matter of Jun Zixiao and Jiang Qitian, then he took out his phone and tried to call the cook...

"The number you dialed has been turned off..." A mechanical and stiff electronic voice came out of the phone. It seemed that there was no hope of contacting the cook. He could only wait for the decisive battle three days later and ask the cook face to face.

Afterwards, Jiang Dong left the teahouse on the second floor. After adjusting his breathing and expression, when Jiang Dong returned to the restaurant on the first floor again, everyone had almost eaten.

"Are you full? If we are full, we will leave!" Jiang Dong waved his hand with such a complexion, and everyone responded immediately.

"I am full!"

"It's almost twelve o'clock, it's time to go back to the sports meeting!"

"If it's later, I won't be able to catch up with the basketball game at one o'clock in the afternoon!"

Everyone shouted, as if the meal had given them endless strength.

"Let's go!" With a wave of Jiang Dong's hand, he led everyone out of the Ultraviolet restaurant. As for giving money or something, that is impossible. The cook treats guests, Jiang Dong will give you a woolen money?

Everyone left the Ultraviolet Restaurant satisfied, took the previous five commercial vehicles, and drove towards the Shanghai School of Economics.

Inside the first commercial vehicle, there was still the old lineup, Jiang Dong, Yitong, Xu Yangguang, Xu Mengmeng, Lin Su, and the driver Mo Wusheng.

Compared with the time when they came, the business car on the return trip was very quiet. Everyone seemed to have their own concerns. Even Lin Su and Xu Yangguang didn't take the initiative to start a war.

There was nothing to say all the way, when Jiang Dong led a group of students from Class 1 of Mine Management to return to the economics students, the time had come to 12:45, and there were only 15 minutes left before the game started!

A group of people from Jiangdong walked into the stadium in a mighty manner...

The group of people in Jiangdong is actually powerful enough, but compared with the crowds of spectators in the stadium, they are simply nothing!

With just a glance, Jiang Dong judged the approximate number of people in the stadium... Definitely more than 2,000 people!

There are four basketball games at 1:00 p.m., but the most attractive one is the first class of mine management team against the senior enterprise management major!

Stadium No. 1, the competition venue, has been surrounded by students on the third floor and the outer three floors, and most of them are girls. In contrast, the audience in the other three venues is a bit horrible. There are only a few stars. Not to mention a few, they are all rough guys. The athletes who are about to participate in the competition all look so weak after warming up.

"Give way!" Xu Yangguang took on the role of team leader and shouted loudly, "Mine Management Squad 1 is here to compete! Make way!"

Xu Yangguang's shouts immediately attracted the attention of the audience, and while everyone made way for them, shouts and cheers like landslides and tsunami erupted.

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