Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1214: The Ball Game Begins (Part 2)

Zheng Tao looked like a coach: "The starting five are me, Brother Dong, Young Master Xu, Lu Zhuang, and Yang Meng!"

"Finally it's my turn to play!" A rough man with a physique similar to that of Lu Zhuang stepped out of the crowd excitedly. His dark face was full of flesh. .

He is Yang Meng, a big man from Dongshan province in the dormitory next door to Zheng Tao. In terms of strength alone, he is stronger than Lu Zhuang. It is because his skills are not good enough that he never got the chance to play.

"The task of the three of us today is to kill them inside. If we can't do it, we can fight!" Zheng Tao pointed to himself, Yang Meng, and Lu Zhuang professionally, "The task of scoring is handed over to Dong Ge and Xu Shao." , three guarantees and two, do you understand?"


"Kill them!"

The two rough men yelled, their aura was astonishing, not at all the feeling of a freshman facing a senior senior, they looked like dead soldiers about to go to the battlefield!

Everyone was startled by the roars of Lu Zhuang and Yang Meng, and even the group of business management seniors who were warming up on the field felt a little fear of the murderous Lu Zhuang and Yang Meng.

No matter whether you can win or not, you must not lose your momentum. This is the philosophy of the first team of mine managers!

"Let's go! Go to the locker room and change!" Xu Yangguang waved his hand and led several players to the locker room.

"Come on!" Yi Tong made a gesture of clenching her fist and nodding towards Jiang Dong. Although her expression was very serious, such a gesture of such a top-notch beauty had something to say and was a bit playful.

"Just those few shrimps, if they can make me sweat, they win." Jiang Dong smiled and clenched his fist at Yi Tong, and made the same gesture, but his words were very arrogant.

"Riding on horses! What did you say?" Xu Tiankuo was completely angry.

Even if he can't beat Jiangdong in long-distance running and sprinting, that's fine.

However, the women around Jiang Dong are more beautiful, more temperamental, and in better shape than the women around him!

What's more, Jiang Dong even uttered wild words in public, sweating is considered Jiang Dong's loss, who can bear this?

"I said, sweating counts as my loss." Jiang Dong raised half of his mouth, and glanced at Xu Tiankuo with extreme disdain.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the audience was mobilized to the peak!

This is completely a century duel between beep kings!

"Boy! Remember what you just said!" Xu Tiankuo shouted coldly, "I will teach you how to behave in a few days!"

Jiang Dong ignored Xu Tiankuo and walked towards the locker room on his own.

At 12:58 a.m., the five-member group of mine management team wearing neat No. 24 Lakers jerseys, headed by Jiang Dong, walked out of the locker room aggressively.

At exactly one o'clock, the ball game between the first class of mine management and the senior enterprise management major started officially after the whistle blew!

YangMeng and the enterprise's professional big center jump the ball. Don't look at Yang Meng's height of more than 1.9 meters, but the big center opposite is the main center of the school team. He is close to 2.1 meters tall. The team came to investigate him.

Facing the absolute disadvantage of his height, Yang Meng couldn't change anything at all. The big center majored in enterprise management successfully picked the basketball into the hands of the main small forward Xu Tiankuo...

However, Jiang Dong seemed to have expected that Yang Meng would lose the jump ball. Suddenly, Jiang Dong appeared beside Xu Tiankuo like a ghost. The momentum directly broke the ball from Xu Tiankuo's hands!

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