Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1220 Carried out of the basketball court on a stretcher

On the court, Xu Tiankuo's expression was gloomy and terrifying.

"Jiang Dong! I will definitely kill you!" Xu Tiankuo lowered his voice, growling coldly at a volume that only he and Jiang Dong could hear.

"Hehe!" Jiang Dong jokingly smiled, and with a fake move, he passed Xu Tiankuo again.

In the same way, after completing the extraordinary, Jiang Dongyou dribbled the ball and walked back to Xu Tiankuo slowly...

"Hoo hoo hoo..." Xu Tiankuo's breathing speeded up obviously, and the frequency of bullying in his chest became more frequent, as if there was a mouthful of bad breath in his chest that he hadn't let out.

"How about doing it again?" Jiang Dong raised the corner of his mouth and smiled jokingly. This time, a lightning-like change of direction swayed past Xu Tiankuo again!

Three times!

Jiang Dong passed Xu Tiankuo three times in a row in one offensive round!

You know, it takes only 24 seconds for an offensive round to be fully played!

"Ah!" Xu Tiankuo let out a roar like a wild animal, but he didn't bring it up in one breath, and actually fainted directly.

When the game ended, the medical staff rushed into the stadium immediately and began to give Xu Tiankuo emergency treatment...

During the whole process, the stadium was surprisingly quiet, because no one expected that such a scene would appear in this match of the century... After Xu Tiankuo was humiliated several times by Jiang Dong, he finally failed to survive and passed out directly on the basketball court !

"what happened?"

"My God! Is it so fierce?"

"Jiang Dong used basketball to humiliate Xu Tiankuo into a coma?"

"Lying grass! Is there such a thing?"

The stadium erupted into waves of screams.

Accompanied by screams, the medical staff directly carried Xu Tiankuo out of the gymnasium on a stretcher...

There is no doubt that this scene is something that no one has thought of, let alone a scene that has never been seen before!

If you want to talk about injuries or something, it is understandable that you were carried out on a stretcher in the end, but Xu Tiankuo was forced into a coma by Jiang Dong's forceful anger, and was carried out on a stretcher in the end. This is an unheard of and unprecedented spectacle!

Regardless of the outcome of this match, Xu Tiankuo will be nailed to the pillar of shame!

After Xu Tiankuo left the court, the business management major was immediately defeated. Under Jiang Dong's strong pressure, the business management major only scored eight points in the entire first half, a full 20 minutes, which is definitely the lowest half-time score in the history of college basketball games !

On the other hand, what about the first class of mine management?

Jiangdong split dunks and made long shots, broke through and scored, all of which were perfect, and directly turned the game into an individual exhibition match. In the 20 minutes of the first half, Jiangdong scored 28 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 blocks, and 2 steals The terrifying data led the mine management team to a disparity of 48 to 8!


The whistle sounded for the end of the first half, and both teams went off to rest.

The Mine Management Team 1 is full of momentum, but the corporate management side is lifeless, as if they want to speed up the time and finish the game as soon as possible.

The business management major has no power to recover!

And Jiang Dong, accompanied by Yi Tong and Lin Su, left the gymnasium and went to the playground.

The most exaggerated thing is that 90% of the audience in the gymnasium left after Jiang Dong left, and the crowded gymnasium suddenly became deserted...

"Scumbag, you seem to be very popular?" Lin Su curled her lips in displeasure. She wanted to attack Jiang Dong, but just now Jiang Dong's performance was absolutely impeccable. Looking for a breakthrough from the outside.

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