"I won't forget it!" Jiang Dong waved his hand to the physical education teacher, then took Yi Tong's hand and left the inspection office.

There is no need to run the 3,000 meters, which is very good. Jiangdong has saved his strength, and he can better face the finals of various events tomorrow.

Jiang Dong originally thought that he could take Yi Tong to go shopping without running the three thousand meters, and it happened that he hadn't bought clothes for a long time, but the actual situation was... Yi Tong was ruthlessly pulled away by Lin Su, saying It is to rehearse the program, and they will perform on the National Day of the 11th National Day.

Jiang Dong was helpless, but he couldn't change anything.

Yes, since it cannot be changed, let’s enjoy it!

"I'll go with you, I'll watch your rehearsal, is there anything wrong?" Jiang Dong smirked.

"There's something wrong! The girl is rehearsing the dance, what the hell are you looking at?" Lin Su annoyed Jiang Dong back.

"You can't even watch it?" Jiang Dong responded even more annoyed.

"Don't let me see!" Lin Su couldn't help but drag Yi Tong away, but Yi Tong couldn't resist Lin Su, so he had to smile apologetically at Jiang Dongbao.

Shrugging his shoulders helplessly, Jiang Dong could only return to the phalanx of the No. 1 Mine Management Squad alone.

The students in Class 1 of Mine Management admired Jiangdong very much, and there would never be a scene like Lin Su's targeting Jiangdong everywhere.

Seeing Jiangdong's return, the students of mine management class 1 immediately gave up the best position in the first row to Jiangdong. These rough guys handed Jiangdong mineral water and took clothes to shade Jiangdong. They were like emperors Treatment!

Jiang Dong was sitting on the sidelines watching the women's 3,000-meter preliminaries. Not long after, Yitong sent prestige, "Don't be angry with Susu, she's just afraid of being alone. Let me have dinner with you tonight!"

Dinner at night?

This is a good thing!

Maybe there is a chance that something you love to do will happen?

The corner of Jiang Dong's mouth immediately picked up a smirk, and returned his prestige to Yi Tong, "Is Lin Su also participating in the performance? Doesn't she look like she can dance?"

"Although Susu is also a dance major, she didn't get admitted. She is not interested in dancing. She just came to experience college life. The dance performed on the 11th National Day is my own solo dance. She rehearsed it for me. !"

"She knows a shit, and she's still rehearsing?" Jiang Dong replied disdainfully while tapping on his phone.

"Okay! You two stop fighting! Let's not talk, I'll go to rehearsal, see you tonight!"

"See you tonight." Jiang Dong locked the phone, and began to think about Yitong in his mind.

Since it is a solo dance rehearsal, it must find a good team. As for Lin Su, Jiang Dong doesn't think she can bring Yitong any good script.

"Dancing...you need to find a professional team, preferably a famous star with real talent and knowledge to guide Yi Tong!" Jiang Dong frowned, thinking about the relationship he could find.

The entertainment company affiliated to the Dongfang Group must not be able to find it. Isn't it difficult for Xia Xue to explain when someone is transferred from the company?

Although they haven't had a relationship yet, Jiang Dong has made a decision that Xia Xue is the user of the third Jiangshan beauty card!

And Lin Yi can't do it. The rest of the group, such as Xu Yangguang and Lu Tianming, are not influential people in Shanghai. The big stars they can find are definitely not good enough.

Zhang Qingshan?

Zheng Yi?

Forget it, the major doesn't match at all!

Or, just sign in?

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