When everyone got out of the car, Liu Shishi and Assistant Li immediately turned around Jiang Dong and Yi Tong.

"Mr. Jiang, you really don't show your face!"

"Sister Yitong, there are so few men like Mr. Jiang, you should cherish them!"

"I've heard of Aman Yangyun in Shanghai for a long time, and this is my first time here!"

"Mr. Tuo Jiang's blessing!"

Jiang Dong is used to the rainbow farts from left to right, but Yitong seldom experiences such scenes, especially the compliments from big stars like Liu Shishi, which make Yitong feel extremely uncomfortable .

"Say less." Jiang Dong saw Yi Tong's uneasiness, so he said to Liu Shishi coldly.

"I lost my temper." Liu Shishi took a peek at Jiang Dong in fear, and quickly closed his mouth.

Liu Shishi is still like this, not to mention her team, they simply regard Jiang Dong as a god!

This group of people knows what Liu Shishi looks like at ordinary times, but when facing Jiang Dong, Liu Shishi is simply a licking dog. This also reflects from the side how terrifying Jiang Dong's energy and background must be!

For a while, members of Liu Shishi's team didn't even dare to look at Jiangdong anymore!

"Okay!" Jiang Dong waved his hand and said lightly: "Let's eat first!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Dong took Yi Tong's hand and walked into the Chinese restaurant of Aman Yangyun.

And Liu Shishi and his party who followed closely behind were so obedient that they didn't even dare to breathe.

"Mr. Jiang!" The manager of the Chinese restaurant naturally recognized Jiang Dong, and rushed forward, "The best private room has been prepared for Mr. Jiang, please come with me..."

"Okay! You lead them up now! I'll be there in a while!" Jiang Dong pointed to Liu Shishi and the others, gave instructions to the manager, then took Yitong's hand and wandered around the restaurant.

"How do you know that I want to go shopping?" Yi Tong stared at Jiang Dong curiously, her pair of beautiful eyes kept blinking, and her eyelashes flickered, which was really pretty.

"Since you came in, you have been paying attention to the decoration of the Dragon Kingdom elements around you. I naturally know that you are very interested in this place." Jiang Dong smiled lightly.

Jiang Dong didn't lie, since Yitong entered the Chinese restaurant, she was attracted by Long Guofeng's decoration style here, but she was embarrassed to say it directly in front of Liu Shishi.

Fortunately, Jiang Dong, who had been secretly following Yi Tong, discovered her little trick, and then let Liu Shishi and others go to the private room first, and he took Yi Tong to wander around.

"I can't tell, you're quite thoughtful, aren't you?" Yi Tong gave Jiang Dong an appreciative look.

"That's for sure." Jiang Dong was not humble at all, and grinned.

Just like that, Jiang Dong took Yitong to wander around the Chinese restaurant. The two talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

After shopping around, Jiang Dong and Yi Tong went upstairs to the private room... The main purpose was to go shopping, so Jiang Dong and Yi Tong couldn't take the elevator, anyway, the private room is on the second floor and up a flight of stairs It's nothing, it's just sightseeing.

After Jiang Dong and Yi Tong stepped onto the second floor, a burst of chaotic voices immediately entered Jiang Dong's ears...

"It's really the big star Liu Shishi!" A female voice came into Jiang Dong's ears, and this female voice, Jiang Dong still felt somewhat familiar, "Miss Liu Shishi, can you sign me? I am Your loyal fan!"

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