"Jin Dail!" Assistant Chen on the phone suddenly raised his voice several times, and his tone became extremely cold, "On behalf of Lin, I will formally inform you that we will terminate all cooperation with you. According to the contract The process will follow, and all losses will be compensated by you, you, just wait for the subpoena from the court!"

After saying this, Assistant Chen didn't give Jin Dail any chance to speak, and hung up the phone directly.

Jin Da-il was stunned on the spot as if he had been shocked by an electric shock. He knew that if Lin asked him to pay liquidated damages, his company would directly declare bankruptcy, and even he himself might be imprisoned!

After he came back to his senses, he seemed to be in a frenzy, and he punched and kicked Zhang Yue without any explanation, it was so cruel!

"You dead woman!"

"Kill me bankrupt!"

"You don't dare to offend someone who even Mrs. Lin dares to scold him?"

"I beat you to death!"

Zhang Yue didn't realize what happened at all, and was knocked down by Jin Dail, and Jin Dail became more and more ruthless, and didn't give Zhang Yue a chance to speak. After a few rounds, Zhang Yue was broken. Got it, blood all over his face...

"Steamer! If you don't make me feel better, I will let you die!" Jin Dari's eyes were tearing, he grabbed Zhang Yue's hair, and yelled at Zhang Yue viciously: "I'm in your house With a camera installed, I want to post your energy on the bed online for everyone to see! I want to turn you into a street rat!"

Jin Da-il is really crazy. He offended Jiang Dong for no reason, and was hit by Lin for no reason. The result of his hard work all his life was in vain because of Zhang Yue. If he can still maintain his sanity, then blame up!

Finally, the security guards of Aman Yang Yun appeared and drove Jin Da Ri and Zhang Yue out, and the farce was over.

However, Jin Da-il's ending and Zhang Yue's ending are actually doomed...

One lives in prison, and the other becomes a new teacher that netizens across the country are eager to learn from...

There is one thing to say, the sound insulation of the private rooms of Aman Yangyun is really good, the outside is so noisy, it seems that nothing can be heard in the private rooms...

Liu Shishi and her team began to discuss the dance made for Yi Tong, while Jiang Dong was whispering to Yi Tong, and the topic they were talking about was related to Zhang Yue...

After listening to Jiang Dong's simple explanation, Yi Tong also said angrily: "So that woman is so bad?"

"It is estimated that she will not be able to be bad in the future even if she wants to be bad." Jiang Dong replied with a smile.

With Jiangdong's energy, it's a matter of minutes to get rid of Jin Dayi and Zhang Yue. It's just that Jiangdong is too lazy to argue with that kind of person now. up!

Soon, the waiter pushed the dining car and began to serve the food. The whole table was filled with a wide variety of things. Just looking at it made people feel their appetite whetted.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang for your hospitality. I will replace the wine with water, and toast Mr. Jiang!" Liu Shishi took the initiative to stand up and raised his glass to Jiang Dong, "After this meal, let's go back to the dance classroom to rehearse, I listen to Yi Sister Tong said that the performance will start in two or three days, and then I will go on stage to accompany Sister Yitong!"

Liu Shishi's words not only expressed her respect for Jiangdong, but also implied that Jiangdong would devote herself to helping Yitong complete this performance. The most important thing is that the phrase "replace wine with water" is even more important. It shows how serious she is about her work...

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