That night, the fire was burning brightly.

Jiangdong finally realized the specialness of the dancing girl, which is simply a treasure-level existence. Jiangdong finally understood the true meaning of the phrase "unlocking various postures"...

One thing to say, Jiang Dong's self-control ability is still very strong. Considering that it was Yi Tong's first time and he had to rehearse dance in the past few days, Jiang Dong was very considerate and only took the first blood, and then nothing happened.

Because Yi Tong was too tired, she huddled in Jiang Dong's arms and fell asleep deeply.

There was nothing to say all night. At eight o'clock the next morning, Jiang Dong, who had already gotten up, woke up Yi Tong.

"I want to sleep a little longer." Yi Tong turned over in a daze.

"We are going to have breakfast. After breakfast, you have to rehearse dance with Master Liu!" Jiang Dong whispered in Yi Tong's ear.

"Yes! I still have to rehearse the dance!" Yi Tong opened her beautiful eyes instantly, and was about to stretch her muscles as before, but her eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkled, "It hurts..."

"Then take a day off! I told Master Liu not to come!" Jiang Dong caressed Yi Tong's hair.

"That's not possible! Miss Liu Shishi is not someone you can hire casually. I have to cherish this opportunity!"

"Little fool, let me tell you the truth, let alone Liu Shishi, you can name all the stars in the entertainment industry. As long as you want those stars to come over, I guarantee that within one day, that star will stand in front of you and listen to your orders. , of course, the person must be within the Dragon Kingdom."

"It seems...that's what happened?" Yi Tong thought seriously for a moment, "Oh! I forgot about the fact that you are a powerful person! It seems that for you, it's important to find a few celebrities to come over. A very simple thing?”

"It's not very simple, it's very simple! So, you don't have to worry so much about Master Liu. If you feel uncomfortable today, then take a day off!"

"That's not possible! The performance is coming soon. I have to hurry up and rehearse!" Yi Tong walked out of the bed with difficulty. Under Jiang Donglu's dim eyes, she put on her clothes in an extremely awkward and stiff manner. The moment she actually put on her clothes, her pretty face, ears, and her pink jade neck were completely red. "I tell you, you can't touch me again before my performance is over! You know. ?"

"I know! And obey!" Jiang Dong's face was filled with a doting smile, "Then you can rehearse today first. I will go to the school to participate in the sports meeting and get those first places. I will take you to buy something in the afternoon!"

"What to buy? I don't need anything!" Yi Tong looked at Jiang Dong warily, "Besides, you don't need to spend money on me. I am already very grateful to you for inviting Master Liu to teach me how to dance!" "

"There is no need for thanks between you and me. Besides, is there any difference between mine and yours?" Jiang Dong hugged Yi Tong into his arms, stared into her eyes, and said to her solemnly: "With you To be honest, I have money that I can’t spend all my money, so don’t put any psychological burden on these little things. You should think, I have too much money and I can’t spend it all. It’s very painful, and you have to help me relieve the pain. Then spend as much money as you can, because my money is also your money, and I suffer and you suffer, right?"

"This is nonsense!" Yi Tong chuckled. Although Jiang Dong's words were strong words, he still couldn't help but feel a sense of sweetness in his heart.

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