After having a Porsche 4S store and a racing team, signing in at Lamborghini seems to be a good choice, right?

With this in his mind, Jiang Dong directly called up the system light screen and started today's sign-in...

"The check-in location is the Lamborghini 4S store in Dongpu District!"

"The system is screening check-in options..."

"Option one is the ownership of three Lamborghini 4S stores in Shanghai, as well as a top-notch supercar with a global limit of 14 units, the Lamborghini Poison Convertible, all worth 2 billion RMB, and today's flash sale price is 29.9 RMB."

"Option two, ownership of a direct car transport route to the Europa continent, worth 2 billion RMB, today's flash sale price is 29.9 RMB."

"Please host make your choice."

"Uh..." Jiang Dong was a little embarrassed.

When Jiang Dong signed in before, he was only focused on making money, and there was no room for difficult choices. But today Jiang Dong did not sign in at the bank, and it was not just for making money. Therefore, Jiang Dong had to face a choice...

"I personally prefer option two, but Lamborghini Poison is so tempting!" Jiang Dong's heart was swaying. The most critical factor was the Lamborghini Poison!

A few years ago, Lamborghini Poison was launched at the International Auto Show, causing shock all over the world!

A total of five units of the hard-top version of the Lamborghini Poison were produced at that time. One is in the Lamborghini Museum and the other is in the Lamborghini headquarters. That one was a test car. Of the remaining three, two are in the United States and the third is in Hong Kong Island. .

It is said that it is a hard-top version limited to five units, but in fact it should be said that it is limited to three units.

The next year, Lamborghini once again released nine Poisons, this time in a convertible version, which is the one included in the sign-in bonus.

Of the fourteen Lamborghini Poisons, only twelve are actually exposed to the public, and Jiangdong now has the opportunity to become one of the twelve car owners!

"Horse riding! I choose the first option!" Jiang Dong finally couldn't resist the temptation and chose the first option.

After quietly putting the money into the system light curtain, the system immediately responded.

"The property rights of the three Lamborghini 4S stores in Shanghai have all been transferred to the owner's name, and all procedures and certificates have been sent to the virtual package. Everything is compliant and legal."

"All procedures for the convertible version of Lamborghini Poison have also been completed and are currently being transported. It is expected to arrive at the Lamborghini 4S store in Dongpu District within three days. The owner should pay attention to check it."

The system handles things cleanly and neatly. In just a short moment, everything was settled for Jiang Dong.

Of course, Koto was used to such a capable system.


"Congratulations to the host for triggering the system task!"

"Lamborghini has been dormant for a long time and needs to be regrouped!"

"Task one, please form a professional racing team with Lamborghini cars as the main body within ninety-nine days!"

"The mission is completed and a god-level racing card will be awarded. After using this card, the target person can have third-level, professional-level driving ability (ability that exceeds the average standard of professional racing drivers)."

"There is no penalty for mission failure."

"Task two, please win a championship for Lamborghini within ninety-nine days!"

"The host or a driver affiliated with the host can drive a Lamborghini car and win the championship once in an official competition."

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