"As long as the arrangements are made!" Jiang Dong nodded with satisfaction. Jiang Dong quite recognized the foreman manager.

Later, Jiang Dong pointed at Wang Tao and said to the foreman manager: "He is my agent and is responsible for all matters related to Lamborghini. Get acquainted with him!"

"Okay! Mr. Jiang!" The lead manager showed a hint of surprise at first, and then quickly covered it up, because she did not expect that Jiang Dong would arrange for a big leader to be parachuted in so quickly.

"Then... Mr. Jiang, am I going to do some work?" Wang Tao asked tentatively.

"Go!" Jiang Dong waved his hand and ignored Wang Tao and the foreman manager. He sat on the sofa and played with his mobile phone.

I casually scrolled through two Moments, and suddenly, Jiang Dong's phone rang, and it was Lin Su calling!

"Hello!" Jiang Dong answered the phone in an impatient tone, because he knew that Lin Su's initiative to call him must be up to no good.

"Scumbag! Where did you deceive Tongtong last night?" Yi Tong started to accuse her as soon as she opened her mouth, and she was so confident that it felt like Jiang Dong was a redundant boyfriend.

"Last night? I gave Tongtong a dance studio, the one near the School of Economics, and then asked Teacher Liu to come over and help Tongtong rehearse the dance. It was too late, so I spent the night there." Jiang Dong He curled his lips and said disapprovingly.

"Ah? You guys spent the night there? You scumbag!" Lin Su couldn't control his emotions anymore, and his prehistoric power exploded.

"Stop talking nonsense. This is our business and none of your business." Jiang Dong was also adamant. After all, Mrs. Lin now wanted something from him. "Tell me, why did you call me? It's not just to ask. Where did Tongtong and I go yesterday?"

"Okay! I'll settle this debt with you later!" Lin Su said angrily: "My grandpa wants to see you!"

"right now?"

"Yes! Now! Let's discuss real estate matters!"

"Let's talk in the evening. I'm not free now. I just picked up a car for Tongtong. I plan to go shopping and buy some clothes soon. Tian Yuhao will be in Shanghai in two hours." Jiang Dong did not give Yi Tong any face. To put it simply, he didn't give Lin any face.

You know, Mr. Lin is one of the most respectable people in the city. Mr. Lin personally invited him. Looking at the city, there are really not many people who dare not go. However, the Lin family met Jiang Dong. Such a freak!

"Jiang Dong!" Lin Su was completely mad at Jiang Dong, "What on earth are you thinking? My grandfather personally invited you, how dare you refuse?"

"Don't talk to me in this tone. I'm a soft-spoken person." Jiang Dong's tone became colder. "Your grandfather invited me. I went to give you Lin's face. If I don't go, that's a shame." My personal freedom, understand?”

Jiang Dong is also a little unhappy, and he must be tough this time, otherwise he may be at a disadvantage when cooperating with Lin. This is called gaming, and it is not limited to opponents, but also includes teammates!

"Okay! You are awesome!" Lin Su had already broken through his guard, "Then, Master Jiang, when will you have time to visit me?"

"I don't know the specific time tonight." Since he was tough, Jiang Dong might as well be tough to the end.

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