"Okay! Let's go then! Take a walk around to find Lao Tian. He has already boarded the plane with his brother Wang! It will take about two hours to reach the Magic City!" Jiang Dong said casually.

"Okay!" Yi Tong excitedly held Jiang Dongdu's hand and walked towards the outside of the 4S store without saying a word.

The bright red Lamborghini Urus was parked in front of the main entrance of the 4S store.

I have to say that this car, including this color, is very recognizable, it feels like you can always be seen in the crowd.

Yi Tong nervously opened the car door, sat in the driver's seat, stepped on the brakes, and pressed the start button. The road beast immediately let out a low and powerful roar.

Jiang Dong, who had already sat in the passenger seat, could clearly see that Yi Tong began to take a deep breath, which showed that she was very nervous.

"Don't be nervous." Jiang Dong comforted him softly: "You are driving this car on the road. In fact, not many cars dare to get too close to you. Don't worry!"

"Oops! Stop talking! The more you talk, the more nervous I get!" Yi Tong pouted her lips, glared at Jiang Dong coquettishly, and then began to mutter to herself, "I'm not a novice female driver... no..."

"Pfft!" No one in Jiangdong lived there, so he burst into laughter.

Novice female driver, what a terrifying title?

Although you can't kill everyone with one stick, it has to be said that most of the weird car accidents are caused by the owner of this title!

Maybe female boxing fighters will start complaining, but it doesn’t matter if they complain, because this is the fact!

"Ouch! Don't laugh!" Yi Tong glared at Jiang Dong coquettishly.

"Okay! I won't laugh! Just treat me as if I don't exist!" After Jiang Dong said this, he covered his mouth with both hands.

Jiang Dong's actions and reactions made Yi Tong smile, and the tense atmosphere was resolved unknowingly.

"I'm going!" Yi Tong took a deep breath for the last time, pressed the electronic handbrake, shifted to D, and slowly raised the brake. The road beast instantly transformed into a little sheep and drove away from the Lamborghini at a very fast speed. 4S shop.

On the long street of Dongpu District, such a spectacle appeared...

A Lamborghini Urus, which cost 2.98 million to lift and nearly 4 million to land, was traveling at a tortuous speed of 30 kilometers per hour.

At this time, the drivers on the road also became more qualified. They did not honk their horns or stop their cars. They politely passed the luxury car from the lanes on both sides, even if they were following this luxury car. The cars behind the car are also moving at the same speed, following it...

It is worth mentioning that every driver who has completed overtaking will take a curious look at the driving seat of this Urus. When all the drivers saw Yi Tong, who was not squinting and his chest was almost pressed against the steering wheel, they all understood. A smile...

Inside the Lamborghini Urus.

"Tongtong, please lean back a little and don't press your chest against the steering wheel." Jiang Dong, who was sitting in the passenger seat, reminded Yi Tong, "There is an airbag hidden in the steering wheel. If you drive in this position, if something happens If the airbag deploys unexpectedly, it would be like a bomb exploding directly in your chest!"

"Ah! I know!" Yi Tong was startled and quickly leaned on the seat, "But I feel uncomfortable driving in this position. I'm always afraid of hitting someone!"

"Just get used to it, it's okay." Jiang Dong said softly: "You are just too nervous. If you drive for a while, you won't be like this anymore!"

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