Furthermore, Prince Wang already owns several Lamborghinis. It is impossible for him to buy another Lamborghini, unless it is...poison!

"Mr. Jiang?" Wang Gongzi walked up to Jiang Dong with a confident smile on his lips. He didn't take the initiative to reach out to Jiang Dong, but just said hello in a neutral way, "A few days ago, I had a fever with the Qin family at the speed of light. Qian Zhan made me get to know you, and I often hear Yuhao talk about you these days, I really admire your name for a long time!"

Have you admired the name for a long time?

He said this, but the attitude shown by Mr. Wang didn't mean it at all. It was just a scene talk.

"Young Master Wang's name is well known to me! Come on! Sit down!" Jiang Dong calmly waved his hand and motioned for several people to sit on the sofa.

Mr. Wang didn't say anything, but he looked at Yi Tong a few more times, "Master Jiang is so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend? I've had so many girlfriends, but none of them can beat me. I'm totally attracted to Master Jiang's girlfriend." Crush it!"

"Young Master Wang, you're welcome!" Yi Tong responded to Prince Wang in a gentle manner. She was not at all willful like when she was alone with Jiang Dong. She looked like a virtuous and virtuous lady.

"Tsk tsk! Mr. Jiang is so lucky!" Prince Wang couldn't help but exclaimed. At this moment, he really envied Jiang Dong.

"I can only say that everything is fate." Jiang Dong didn't particularly want to talk to Prince Wang, and felt a bit pretentious.

In fact, Jiangdong didn't know. If he hadn't known in advance that Jiangdong had obtained 90% of the shares of China Film Star America and deliberately gave up 10% to his partners, as well as the matter of Oriental Group and Lamborghini Racing Team, it would have been impossible for Mr. Wang to use this method. To talk to Jiangdong in such a tone, or in other words, it would be impossible for him to talk to Jiangdong, let alone sit down and discuss things about his girlfriend with Jiangdong!

It's not that the prince is snobbish. The Wang family is one of the top five conglomerates in the Dragon Kingdom and a complete business empire. Does he need to be snobbish?

He just simply believes that people without a certain level of strength are not worthy of talking to him, let alone making friends with him!

This is the basic quality of Shenhao, but Jiangdong is not among this "quality". He can get along with anyone, as long as he has a good character.

"I also want to have this kind of fate!" Prince Wang sighed.

"Come on, stop talking about these useless things!" Tian Yuhao immediately interrupted the awkward and unproductive conversation between the two, and said directly to Jiang Dong: "Brother Dong, where is the Aston Martin One77? I, Brother Wang, still don't believe you have it. Where’s that car?”

"Why don't you believe it?" Jiang Dong asked curiously, and then looked at Mr. Wang.

"I also want to buy that car, but I have found many car owners, but none of them want to sell it to me!" Mr. Wang shrugged and said helplessly, and then changed the subject, which was quite provocative. He asked Xiang Jiangdong, "Master Jiang, I heard from Yuhao that you have a one77, and it is the sixth one in Longguo. I am very curious, how did you buy it back?"

The implication of Mr. Wang is that you in Jiangdong are not as rich as me, Mr. Wang, and your connections are not as broad as mine, and your status is not as high as mine. How can you buy it?

To put it more bluntly, Prince Wang always felt that Jiang Dong was bragging!

Because Prince Wang failed to accomplish this matter, he felt that Jiangdong could not accomplish it either!

It seems that because of Tian Yuhao's face, the prince did not fight openly with Jiang Dong, but started fighting secretly...

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