Aston Martin interior.

Tian Yuhao proudly held the steering wheel with one hand. The supercar he dreamed of was handed over. Brother Wang on the other side of the phone was also frightened. The most important thing is that since working with Jiang Dong, Tian Yuhao suddenly discovered that his life is full of excitement. And light!

For Tian Yuhao, these are simply the peak of his life at this moment!

"Hey! Brother Wang? Are you listening?" Tian Yuhao chuckled secretly.

He wasn't mocking the prince, he just felt that it was a very satisfying thing to make the prince feel defeated, the kind of fun that good friends would have when they quarrel with each other.

"Ah! I'm listening!" Prince Wang swallowed hard.

Prince Wang's heart was shocked and horrified at this moment, and he couldn't even describe it in words. He really didn't dare to be as crazy as Jiang Dong!

"Now that we've said it all, Brother Wang, let me tell you another secret!" Tian Yuhao said very proudly: "I have also invested in Brother Dong's Oriental Racing Team, but the shares are not accurate yet, but our racing car The team is planning to do something big this time, what Brother Dong means is to either destroy the Bai family’s traffic jam, or directly replace it, what about, is it ruthless enough?”

"The Bai family..." Prince Wang couldn't help but take a deep breath.

As a person in the Beijing circle, Prince Wang naturally knows the energy of the Bai family in Longjing.

And this Jiangdong, a new upstart who has emerged in recent times, is said to have a very ordinary family and has not inherited much inheritance. However, he inexplicably emerged from the sky with a majestic appearance. Not only did he successively fight with several of the six major families in the Demon City, The war started at home, and the battle line spread from the Magic City to Longjing...

If we want to say who is the real madman, Mr. Wang will definitely vote for Jiangdong with both hands and feet!

"How is it? Are you scared?" Tian Yuhao became more and more proud, "I tell you, Brother Wang, Brother Dong is definitely a great man, we can call him a peerless fierce man, it is precisely because Brother Dong suddenly broke into Entering my life, I discovered that the world is so exciting besides basketball, racing and women..."

"Yuhao!" Prince Wang interrupted Tian Yuhao's words unceremoniously, and said to Tian Yuhao righteously: "I want to warn you a few words, Jiangdong is a very dangerous double-edged sword, he may take you to heaven. , it may make you take off, or it may plunge you into the abyss and make you irrecoverable!”

"Brother Wang..."

"Listen to me first!" Prince Wang interrupted Tian Yuhao once, "Do you know what Jiangdong is doing now? He is moving towards a very dangerous situation..."

"He has made many enemies in the family circle of the Magic City and the capital circle of Longjing. According to his development trajectory, he will definitely be the one to attack in the theater and entertainment circles in the future!"

"I won't talk about the theater industry. As long as our family doesn't take the initiative to attack Jiangdong, he won't have much of a problem. But in the entertainment industry, the water is very deep. The interests in it are complicated and the capital involved is countless. Not only from the Dragon Kingdom, but also from abroad..."

"Do you think Jiangdong can handle it?"

Prince Wang said so many words in one breath that he couldn't help but gasp.

But this time, the person who started to remain silent without saying a word was Tian Yuhao on the other end of the phone...

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