After a long while, Prince Wang finally calmed down. As soon as he regained the ability to speak, Prince Wang couldn't help but asked Zhang Tie: "Brother Tie! What did you just say? Jiang Dong's father turned out to be a gentleman." ?Is the news reliable? Isn’t it too unbelievable?”

"The source of the news is absolutely reliable, and I also received another piece of accurate news..." The complex emotions in Zhang Tie's eyes became a little more complicated, "The day after tomorrow, Jiang Dong will have a boxing match with the cook. , it’s also a boxing match of life and death!”

"Cough! Cough!" Prince Wang was so frightened this time that he coughed to the point of rolling his eyes.

Jiang Dong, a young boy in his early twenties, who had just been born for about a month, was already qualified to compete with the chef, one of the twelve tycoons of the Demon City?

And it’s the kind of boxing match that not only differentiates between superior and inferior, but also determines life and death?

To put it bluntly, this is definitely the thing that Prince Wang cannot believe or accept this year. It is even more shocking than the Wu Yaqian incident!

"Master, in fact, what you just said to Mr. Tian is both correct and incorrect..." Zhang Tie, a transparent man, seemed to start talking, "Jiang Dong is indeed a double-edged sword, and he is a real double-edged sword." The sword can make the people around him go to heaven, and it can also make the people around him go to hell. Heaven and hell are all in his mind!"

"Tie...Brother Tie...wait a minute..." Mr. Wang has not yet recovered from the shock, "Let me digest it first...Is that guy Junzixiao's son? He also wants to compete with the cook in the ring. A duel of life and death? Oh my God! What kind of monster is he? Compared with him, I seem to be a bit inadequate?"

Prince Wang began to doubt himself.

This was the first time in his life that he doubted himself.

Moreover, it was because of a young man named Jiangdong that he had self-doubt!

"Master, no matter what your views and evaluation of Jiang Dong are, let me give you a suggestion..." Zhang Tie slowed down his speech and his tone became serious, "Keep a moderate distance from him, not too far or too close, not an enemy." If you are not a friend, this is what is most beneficial to Yida!"

"I understand!" Prince Wang took a deep breath and kept Zhang Tie's words in mind. But after a moment, Prince Wang had a thought in his mind and asked Zhang Tie again: "Brother Tie, how about we first Let’s see if this gentleman’s son is really capable?”

"As you wish, young master." Zhang Tie did not give a clear answer.

But sometimes, no clear answer is the clearest answer.

Since Zhang Tie did not reject Prince Wang's proposal, it means that Prince Wang's opinion is feasible.

"I'll make arrangements right now!" Prince Wang smiled knowingly and began to fiddle with his cell phone.

At the same time, inside the Lamborghini Urus.

"That prince, is he different from the prince in my impression?" Yi Tong took off her shoes, stepped on the passenger seat with a pair of delicate pink feet, and hugged her legs with her arms, thoughtfully Said: "It feels like he is actually very scheming! Yes! That's what he means!"

"Can't you tell, you have quite a vicious look?" Jiang Dong glanced at Yi Tong's delicate feet and curved long legs from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but think of Yi Tong wearing black stockings.

"Nonsense! If I didn't have vicious eyes, could I choose you?" Yi Tong raised the corner of his mouth proudly.

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