Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1285 One thought of heaven, one thought of hell

After saying this, Prince Wang walked to the rest area not far away.

Jiang Dong stared at Prince Wang's back, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Brother Dong, why are you laughing?" Tian Yuhao noticed Jiang Dong's weird expression and couldn't help asking.

"I'm laughing at you, Brother Wang, for being so smart!" Jiang Dong didn't hide anything and said truthfully: "I don't know if he wants to avenge the slap in the face I just made, or if he plans to win over the Du family and prepare to start a war with me?"

"Ah?" Tian Yuhao couldn't help but whisper, "Isn't that right, Brother Dong?"

"He just said that he contacted Ducheng. Do you know who Ducheng is?" Jiang Dong asked Xiang Tian Yuhao.

"I don't know! Do you know?"

"I don't know either." Jiang Dong shrugged.

"Tch!" Jiang Dong's answer left Tian Yuhao speechless. He thought Jiang Dong could tell some spy movies, but he didn't know what Jiang Dong said.

"No matter where Du Cheng comes from, he must be from the Du family, and the Du family who can be friends with the prince must not have a low status, right? At least they are among the top three heirs. You can't deny this, right?" Jiang Dong He said calmly.

"I definitely don't deny this!" Tian Yuhao nodded seriously. Before Jiang Dong could continue, he had already figured everything out. After all, Tian Yuhao was not that kind of playboy. He was a second-generation elite with brains. "I know! Brother Dong has a festival with the Du family. We all know this. Brother Wang called Du Cheng, who has a high status, to come here. Could it be that he wants to... watch the fun?"

"Inevitable!" Jiang Dong curled his lips and sneered disdainfully, "What a pity. If the person who comes is not the head of the Du family, he will have to be taught how to behave by me!"

"But Brother Dong..." Tian Yuhao remembered what Mr. Wang said to him in the car, "Brother Dong is now at war with the Tang family and the dormitory. I heard that the Xu family is about to make a move and is ready to join the battlefield. We are encircling Brother Dong. If under this situation, there is another Du family in their alliance, then Brother Dong’s situation..."

"Why do you care so much?" Jiang Dong didn't care at all, "I'll just slap them in the face later!"

"Uh... okay!" Tian Yuhao grinned.

Tian Yuhao suddenly felt that Mr. Wang was right. Jiangdong was a double-edged sword that could take you to heaven or to hell.

However, Tian Yuhao likes Jiang Dong who constantly brings him excitement!

A thought of heaven!

One thought of hell!

It’s exciting just thinking about it!

At this moment, Tian Yuhao decided to stand unswervingly behind Jiang Dong!

He wants to take a gamble, and if he wins, he can be carefree in this life and do what he likes wholeheartedly.

Even if he lost the bet, it was him who lost, not Tiandi Group, nor his old man.

Why not do this kind of business?

While Jiang Dong and Tian Yuhao were chatting, Yi Tong suddenly spoke up, interrupting the conversation.

"That person, could it be Ducheng?" Yi Tong's tone was a little surprised.

Jiang Dong and Tian Yuhao immediately followed Yi Tong's gaze and saw an imposing young man wearing Hermès casual clothes walking slowly towards Mr. Wang who was sitting in the rest area drinking coffee.

"Tongtong, do you know him? Or, have you met him?" Jiang Dong found the loophole in Yi Tong's words in an instant.

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