The appearance of Xu Yangguang made Xu Mengmeng laugh. Xu Yangguang finally escaped from danger temporarily.

"I said Mr. Xu, please stop being a dog-fooder. There is an empty nester here who needs care!" Lu Zhuang curled his lips and hung out with Zheng Tao for a while. Lu Zhuang became more cheerful than before.

"Hahaha!" Everyone burst into laughter and walked into the cafeteria talking and laughing.

As soon as Jiang Dong appeared, he naturally became the focus of the cafeteria.

However, Jiang Dong was used to this kind of scene. After Xu Guangguang threw the meal card to Lu Zhuang and threatened to treat him today, he dragged Jiang Dong to the table in the corner.

"You are so mysterious, what are you doing?" Jiang Dong said with some dissatisfaction.

"Brother Dong, haven't you watched the news?" Xu Yangguang winked at Jiang Dong and smiled.

"Why should I watch the news?" Jiang Dong blinked. He already knew what Xu Yangguang was going to say.

"Squad leader, hurry up and take a look!" Xu Mengmeng pointed to Jiang Dong's mobile phone and said mysteriously: "Big event!"

"Let me see..." Jiang Dong opened the news on his mobile phone suspiciously, and then a series of hot headlines came into Jiang Dong's eyes.

"Chinese movie stars and American stars are booming, and their stock prices have gone against the market and hit the limit!"

"China Film, Star and America are offering a 10% discount on all theaters across the country, as well as freebies. The earthquake in the theater industry has begun!"

"Unable to withstand the violent firepower of China Film and Television, theaters across the country have closed down. Currently, only Qin's Lightspeed and China Film and Television are still in business!"

“Yida Cinemas are closed nationwide for renovation!”

"Shocking! Qin's Lightspeed Cinema offers as low as 20% off ticket prices across the country, and there are also gifts, but there is not much to offer!"

Jiang Dong only glanced at the title and did not click on it, because this kind of news was completely within his control.

Then, Jiangdong began to scroll down, and a row of hot news jumped into Jiangdong's sight.

"Oriental Group officially enters the real estate industry!"

"A big earthquake in the real estate industry, housing prices in Shanghai fell for the first time in recent years!"

"The strongest disruptor has entered the market! Can the real estate industry hold on to its last profit point?"

"Haha!" Jiang Dong couldn't help but sneer, "The Strongest Spoiler, I like this name!"

"Brother Dong, what on earth is going on? The real estate industry plans to continue burning money?" Xu Yangguang stared at Jiang Dong in shock, as if he wanted to find the answer from Jiang Dong's calm eyes.

Of course, the final result would definitely end with Xu Yangguang being disappointed. How could he see through Jiang Dong's heart?

"Of course we have to burn them!" Jiang Dong said disapprovingly: "Burn them all to death so that I can buy them!"

"Cough!" Xu Yangguang didn't take a breath, and immediately began to cough violently. After a long while, Xu Yangguang calmed down and said, "Wucao, Brother Dong, you mean, you want to Are all the big theater chains, including the big real estate companies in Shanghai, acquired?"

"Otherwise? Why should I waste money with them when I have nothing to do?" Jiang Dong said matter-of-factly: "By burning all their money, I will have finished seizing the market. When the time comes, they will definitely have to slim down their businesses in order to run the group. I Then we can naturally take over their property at a super low price!”

This is Jiangdong's main purpose!

He doesn't want to develop step by step. He just wants to play the game of big fish eating small fish and small fish eating shrimps. Just like a greedy snake, he uses the shortest time and the most direct method to become the biggest one!

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