After leaving Lantianjiayuan Community, Jiang Dong called Cheng Li, briefly explained the situation, and told Cheng Li that he should go first, let Cheng Li eat his lunch, and the location where the courier tricycle was parked, including later Send the address to Cheng Li and ask him to help deliver the cot to the designated location, etc.

As for the tricycle parked outside the main gate of the community, and the courier on the car, um, no one dares to steal it. If you steal Jiangdong's courier from Jiangdong's site, then Xu Yang will really be out of luck!

Inside a Maserati.

Ning Siqi seemed to be a little shy, she always turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window, and placed her hands on the hem of her skirt cautiously.

Before Jiang Dong started to attack, the school flower was already defeated. It seems that the benefits and halo of being young and promising are really unexpected. Anyway, Jiang Dong has never seen Ning Siqi so restrained. .

"By the way, you just said that the people in Shanhai Property are very fierce. Have you dealt with them?" Jiang Dong casually found a topic and got to know this group of newcomers by the way.

"No! The people in the property department are still very polite, but once, a few people in our community incited everyone not to pay the property fee, saying that the property company did not do anything. Later I heard that those people lived in the next day. In the hospital..." Ning Siqi's restraint slightly weakened, and she began to chat with Jiang Dong about what she had heard, about Shanhai Property.

The conflict between the property and the owner is a problem that exists in almost every community. The owners feel that the property company has taken the property fee and does not do anything. The property company thinks that what they have done is enough. Taking advantage of it, all in all, the father said that the public was reasonable, and the mother said that the mother was reasonable. It is normal to have conflicts, and it is not surprising.

However, the people who made trouble were admitted to the hospital the next day, which made Jiang Dong interested...

"It seems that this is not an ordinary property management company?" After listening to Ning Siqi's words, Jiang Dong thought to himself: "It's right to think about it, if you can take 80% of the residential property in Wucheng, how could it be an ordinary property management company? Possibly?"

"What are you thinking?" Ning Siqi asked Jiang Dong curiously when she saw that Jiang Dong did not speak.

"I'm thinking about what to eat for a while." Jiang Dong casually changed the subject, "Do you have anything in particular you want to eat?"

"Well..." Ning Siqi was really thinking seriously, "I heard that there is a new seafood restaurant in Yida Plaza in the commercial area. I haven't tried it yet. Let's try it?"

"Okay!" Jiang Dong can eat anything anyway. Since Ning Siqi wants to eat seafood, she will eat it.

"However, I must have invited you for this meal. You invited me last time. This time, it's my turn, and I would like to thank you for helping me deliver the express to my store!" Ning Siqi smiled sweetly and let go Jiang Dong felt crisp all over.

"It's the same for anyone." Jiang Dong wanted to refuse, but he found that Ning Siqi's pretty face was full of firmness, so he didn't ask too much. After all, school beauty also wants face.

After confirming the destination, Jiang Dong's foot on the accelerator began to exert force, and Maserati galloped quickly on the Great Street of Wucheng.

It's not that Jiang Dong's driving skills are so good. On the contrary, his driving skills are really not that good. It's just that vehicles and pedestrians on the road are subconsciously avoiding this rare supercar...

Soon, Jiang Dong drove to the seafood restaurant in the commercial district, Yida Plaza, which Ning Siqi said.

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