However, the people affected by Jiang Dong's remarks were not just those rich people, including Li Xiong's team, Dakoucheng and Long Hair in the ring, and everyone in Jiangdong's party, all fell into contemplation...

The deadly silence lasted for a long time, and finally, it was broken by Mr. Chai, who had not spoken for a long time.

"Miracle?" Chai Laosan let out an extremely ugly laugh, as if two irons were rubbing against each other, which made people feel very uncomfortable, "Young man, miracles do exist, but those who create miracles are absolutely impossible. It's you!"

Chai Laosan's voice fell, and everyone was pulled back to reality.

"The third master is right!"

"What's wrong with this world? What kind of cat and dog are worthy of creating miracles?"

"The ignorance of the ignorant!"

"So, Boss Li would like to thank you for your 7 million?"


Everyone mocked Jiang Dong unscrupulously.

As for Jiang Dong, he didn't take these sarcastic voices to heart at all, he sat back in his seat and lit a cigarette as if nothing had happened.

"East brother! I won't let you down!" When the long hair on the ring rarely had a moving expression, the poker-like face was full of excitement at this time, as if it was the same as the long hair before. Not like a person at all.

Jiang Dong didn't say a word, just tapped his left chest with his finger, which is the location of his heart, and smiled lightly at the long hair.

"Long Hair has made up his mind, he will win this battle even if he is desperate!" Zheng Yi, who knows Long Hair the most, growled excitedly, "Like us, who have today and no tomorrow, that group of bad boys. Rich people have never looked down on us, and my brother is different, he has unconditional trust in us, that's enough!"

"That's right!" Feng Bin, who didn't know Jiang Dong very well, was also moved and infected, "What's the saying? To die for a confidant or something?"

"Scholars die for those who are confidants!" Ale knocked Feng Bin's head on the head, "When the book is used up, I hate you, it's just you!"

"Yes! That's it!" Feng Bin scratched his head embarrassedly, "Anyway, my life belongs to my brother!"

"Then, let's fight!" Ale looked at the long hair on the ring, suddenly grinned, and laughed grimly, "Brother Changfa, it's up to you!"

"Okay, don't be tempted, the boxing match is about to start." Jiang Dong stopped the conversation at the right time, because he couldn't wait to start the boxing match.

The second boxing match is the real start of the counterattack!

This time, Jiangdong not only wants Li Xiong to get out of Wucheng, but also swallows his assets and makes him disappear from this world!


Punish the heart!

But so!

On Li Xiong's side, everyone was eager to start the boxing match as soon as possible.

Seeing that Jiangdong's betting was over, Li Xiong immediately shouted at Zhong Yu, "Let's start!"

"The second boxing match has officially started!" Zhong Yu shouted and jumped off the ring.

The moment Zhong Yu's voice fell to the ground, the fighting field immediately became extremely quiet. At the same time, the big mouth and long hair on the ring also burst into an amazing momentum!

"I will tell you with strength, you are a waste!" With a loud gulp, he almost clings to the ground, like a beast.

The next moment, Dakoucheng exerted force on his legs and stomped on the ring, like a cheetah, rushing towards the long hair frantically!

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