"No more? I think this bitch Shen Xiulian did it on purpose! I said she stole people, but you still don't believe me!" Shen Xiuying took advantage of the topic and once again gave Shen Xiulian the most vicious words for free.

"Like a son, like a mother!" Zhang Yue folded her arms around her chest, and said with a cold smile, "The son is a waste, and the mother is also a waste, and I can't even keep a small urn! Hmph !"

"Jiang Qitian's first seven days are really lively!" Shen Ren put on an attitude of watching the excitement and not being afraid of big troubles, and there were bursts of strange "tsk tsk" sounds in his mouth.

On the other hand, Jiang Dong and Shen Xiulian's mother and son seemed not to have heard the vicious words of the members of the Shen family. They just stared intently at the ashes on the ground...

"Mom..." Jiang Dong moved his throat with difficulty, and forced out a hoarse voice like a beast, "Did you collect the ashes yourself?"

"No!" Shen Xiulian shook her head, "After I went to the scene of the car accident, I passed out and then went to the hospital. All your father's future generations are arranged by the crematorium."

"I wasn't there at the time. I was called back to the villa by Jiang Qiyuan before I arranged for my dad's cremation. I wasn't there at the time..." Jiang Dong narrowed his eyes, and there was a strange light in them, "My dad's What happened to the car accident?"

Shen Xiulian said blankly: "I went to the scene after your father had a car accident. At that time, your father's face was smashed into a pulp, and he couldn't see his face clearly, but the clothes, the documents on his body, including his body shape, were all the same as your father's. Exactly the same..."

"But..." Jiang Dong pointed at the ashes on the ground, "The color of the ashes can be black or green. This happens only when the deceased died of poisoning..."

"People who were sick or took medicine before their death will also have this kind of situation after cremation!" Shen Xiulian added, "But your father is very healthy, and he had a physical examination not long ago. There is no problem with his body, let alone taking medicine. Already!"

When the words fell to the ground, Jiang Dong and Shen Xiulian suddenly raised their heads, staring at each other with extremely shocked eyes...

Jiang Qitian was in good health and hardly took any medicine, which ruled out the second possibility.

Then, only the first possibility remains...Jiang Qitian didn't die in a car accident, but died of poisoning!

Suddenly, Jiang Dong's eyes froze, because in his mind, two crazy thoughts flooded inexplicably...

Indeed, besides poisoning, there are two other possibilities...

The first possibility is that Jiang Qitian's ashes were stolen!

However, why did they drop Jiang Qitian's ashes?

It's pointless and useless!

The second possibility is even crazier, that is, the ashes in the urn are not Jiang Qitian's ashes at all, but someone else!

As Shen Xiulian said just now, Jiang Qitian's car accident scene was very tragic, even his face was smashed, and the remaining ID cards, wallets and clothes were nothing to prove.

As for the body shape being exactly the same, or extremely similar, it's not too difficult. In the vast world, there are so many people, there are even people who look like real people, not to mention the body shape, there are even more of them!

Take a step back, as long as you practice hard, you can completely follow Jiang Qitian's body contours!

So, here comes the problem.

Whose ashes are the ashes in the urn?

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