If Jiang Qitian and Jiang Qiyuan are not biological brothers, then why didn't Jiang Dong trigger the mission when he first checked in?

Jiang Dong analyzed before that the so-called special check-in location is only triggered when there are friends or enemies, but the special check-in task will not be triggered where there are people with blood relationship.

Including the check-in at the Wucheng Hotel, although Xiong Dafa was clearly in the hotel, the system cabinet task was not triggered. It should be because of the presence of the Shen family, who has a direct blood relationship with Jiangdong, that the system task was not triggered smoothly because of Xiong Dafa. .

This is something Jiang Dong had thought of before.

However, judging from the first sign-in, this rule of blind guessing can be directly overturned!

Because Jiang Dong has no blood relationship with Jiang Qiyuan's family at all, but has a genuine blood relationship with the Shen family.

So, here comes the question, why did not trigger the system task when I signed in for the first time?

Could it be that there are people in the Lantian villa area who have a direct blood relationship with Jiang Dong?

Jiang Qitian and Jiang Qiyuan have no blood relationship!

Sign in for the first time and there is no departure task!

Someone in the direct blood line was there!

In Jiang Qitian's ashes urn, there is a high probability that the ashes are not Jiang Qitian's!

Jiang Qitian may not be dead!

With so many sudden events gathered in one place, a crazy idea popped up in Jiang Dong's mind!

Could it be that Jiang Qitian was present when Jiang Dong checked in at the Blue Sky Villa?

As soon as this crazy idea popped up, Jiang Dong himself was taken aback...

To be honest, Jiang Dong would rather believe that Shen Xiulian, who was lying in the hospital, quietly went to the Lantian Villa area at that time, than Jiang Qitian who had "dead" went there!

As for other people with direct blood relationship, Jiang Dong really didn't think about it.

It is impossible for the Shen family to show up at that time. Whether Jiang Qitian's relatives are there is a problem, let alone appearing in the Lantian villa area by such a coincidence!

Suddenly, Jiangdong had the illusion of being wrapped in a giant net.

What makes Jiang Dong most uncomfortable is that the huge net is woven with countless mysteries, which makes Jiang Dong feel that everything is false, at least before he finds the answer, it may be false!

Jiang Dong was almost out of breath by the mystery that happened around him, at this moment Xu Yang suddenly made a sound, interrupting Jiang Dong's almost obsessed thoughts.

"Brother Dong, the hospital is here." Xu Yang didn't know what happened, so he said to himself, "Da Hong sent back the news just now, and Auntie just returned to the hospital."

"Okay!" Jiang Dong exhaled heavily, and responded to Xu Yang casually.

Of course, neither Xu Yang nor Wang Laowu noticed Jiang Dong's abnormality. The two still maintained their usual state, parked the car, and then accompanied Jiang Dong into the hospital.

In Shen Xiulian's ward.

Shen Xiulian, who had just returned to the ward, was about to call Jiang Dong, but she didn't want to, Jiang Dong pushed the door ahead of her and entered.

"Mom! How's the shopping going?" On the way back to the ward, Jiang Dong had already adjusted his state and became the previous Jiang Dong again.

"What else? I must be worried about you! By the way! Where's Jiang Qiyuan?" Shen Xiulian complained to Jiang Dong.

"You will know about Jiang Qiyuan's family tomorrow." Jiang Dong said mysteriously.

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