Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 473 The sky doesn't fall into pies, only traps

After Du Shuai sat down, Jiang Dong smiled and glanced at the young men and women on the table. Of course, Jiang Dong couldn't remember his appearance and name at all, and he didn't bother to remember Jiang Dong, because as long as they remembered Jiang Dong, it would be fine.

"I have gathered you all here today, and I have a business to discuss with you." Jiang Dong didn't bother to talk nonsense with this group of dudes, so he went straight to the point, "I have a deal, the probability of making money is about 90%, and the profit point is about 15% Between -20%, the results will be available in three to five days. If you want to make some money, you can put the money with me. The starting point is 10 million, and there is no upper limit. As the saying goes, everyone earns money, since we are all friends , it’s good, I will naturally not forget you..."

After saying this, Jiang Dong stopped talking, but looked at the group of dandies who started whispering with a smile.

"90% chance of making money? Isn't that a guaranteed profit?"

"15%-20% profit? Very objective!"

"Do you want to do it?"

"Go home and ask the old man for instructions?"

"What the hell! Didn't your old man tell you before he came here that you can make the decision?"

"I did it!"

"I don't dare! Ten million is the starting point!"

"Yes! What if you encounter the 10% chance of losing money?"

The voices of discussion come and go, in an endless stream.

Except for a few hot-blooded young people, most of the dandies faced this matter with an attitude of wavering or not intending to participate.

After some discussion, it was Zhao Yihong who stood up and broke the heated discussion.

"Okay! Don't make any noise! ​​Brother Dong is leading us to make money, and he is still running around here, do you have any courage?" Zhao Yihong roared sharply, "On behalf of the Zhao Group, I decided, Take out 50 million and do it with Brother Dong!"


All the dudes in the audience gasped.

This amount of money is definitely a huge sum of money in Wucheng. Even if the Zhao Group wants to spend so much money, it is at the risk of breaking the capital chain. Once the investment Jiang Dong said fails, the Zhao Group may It's about to fall into a situation where there is no redemption!

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Zhao Yihong.

The eyes of the dandies are more complicated, with envy, admiration, surprise, and gloating.

But Jiang Dong looked at Zhao Yihong with a much simpler gaze, completely surprised, and even a hint of appreciation amidst the surprise...

Jiang Dong really didn't expect Zhao Yihong to be so courageous?

Dare to take out all the working capital of the Zhao Group, and even bet on the future of the Zhao Group to follow Jiangdong?

To be honest, Zhao Yihong's performance really impressed Jiangdong!

However, with Zhao Yihong's feat of betting on the Zhao Group as an example, many of those dudes have made up their minds and followed Zhao Yihong to invest in capital.

There are 10 million, and 20 million. When we put it together, these dandies represent their respective families and groups, and they managed to scrape together an astronomically huge sum of 130 million!

Of course, everything has two sides. Some people invest in it, and naturally some people don’t invest in it. For example...

"If I understand correctly, Brother Dong is planning to raise money, right?" The young man sitting at the other end of the round table, opposite Jiang Dong, stood up with a playful expression.

This person has medium-length hair, like Brother Haonan in a Hong Kong movie, lit a cigarette arrogantly, and looked at Jiang Dong with a smile, "90% chance of making money is a bit too high, even ridiculously high, I don't believe that there will be a pie in the world, maybe it's a trap?"

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