Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 507 I'm talking about the daily interest rate, money is calculated on a daily basis

Crocodile knows the way of "borrowing money", but Xiong Xiaotian, who has always been defiant and has never suffered any setbacks, is a bit out of the way.

"Borrowing money? Who are you on the horse? Let me borrow money from you?" Xiong Xiaotian seemed to want to transfer the anger in his heart from Jiangdong to Akun.

There is no way, the scene of Jiang Dong destroying Meng Zhong with one move yesterday brought too much excitement to Xiong Xiaotian, he really didn't dare to find Jiang Dong to vent!

As for Akun, Xiong Xiaotian seems to have never heard of this character...

"Young Master Xiong means, don't give me Akun this face?" Akun was not angry, but just laughed coldly.

When Ah Kun's words fell, more than 20 big men immediately ran in outside the casino. There were more than 30 people in total. It was a leak.

Xiong Xiaotian was a little frightened, and subconsciously retreated behind the crocodile.

Let Xiong Xiaotian pretend to beep, he will definitely be able to pretend to take off, but you let him face difficulties, adversity, even desperation, sorry, this second generation who has been arrogant and domineering since childhood does not have this ability!

Seeing Xiong Xiaotian's appearance, the crocodile couldn't help shaking his head secretly, as if lamenting the incompetence of this young master.

"Brother Kun, you don't need to be so serious with our young master, right?" The crocodile coldly glanced at the group of unfriendly big men around, and finally fixed his gaze on Akun, "I understand the rules, talk about the interest."

"Everyone is in the rivers and lakes, so I naturally won't embarrass you, and with Brother Xiong's face, I think, let's give 1% interest!" Akun said generously.

"Oh? 1%?" The crocodile was stunned. The interest rate seems a bit too low, right?

"Brother Crocodile, the interest I'm talking about is calculated on a daily basis." Akun looked at the crocodile with a smile, "1% of 10 million is 100,000, and you have to pay me 100,000 in interest every day!"

It turns out that this 1% is the interest rate...

Calculated in this way, if Xiong Xiaotian doesn't repay the money to Akun for a month, it will be 3 million interest...

Hard enough!

"Very good!" After the crocodile understood what Akun meant, he gritted his teeth and said to Akun, "We, Mr. Xiong, have recorded this account!"

"It should be remembered, otherwise, wouldn't I be at a big loss?" Ah Kun was not frightened by the name of Xiong's name that the crocodile carried out at all, but instead glanced at the crocodile calmly, showing his contempt. exhaustive.

"Then put the money!" The crocodile had to endure the humiliation.

No way, who made Xiong Xiaotian lose 10 million to Jiangdong?

He would rather accept Akun's robbery than to owe Jiangdong money!

Anyway, Xiong Dafa will block up the 10 million soon, and Akun won't get much interest in total.

"Before releasing the loan, Shao Xiong had to sign a contract with us, otherwise, who would I ask for the money? Right?" Akun sneered.

"Young Master Xiong..." The crocodile turned to look at Xiong Xiaotian, and signaled Xiong Xiaotian to follow suit with his eyes.

Xiong Xiaotian still gestured with a crocodile?

After this period of precipitation, he has long since recognized the reality. If he does not borrow money and sign a contract, he may not be able to get out of this small casino!

Soon, Xiong Xiaotian obediently signed the IOU.

After getting the IOU, Akun waved his hand in satisfaction, dismissed everyone, and asked someone to send 10 million chips to Jiangdong, and the matter was over.

But is this over?

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