Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 509 Level 8 Equity Transfer Card, Obtained

Xu Yang and Wei You followed Jiang Dong's footsteps and walked back to the casino.

The crocodile stared at the backs of Xu Yang and Jiang Dong through gritted teeth, and squeezed out a word from his throat, "Go!"

Xiong Xiaotian took a complicated look at Jiang Dong's back, and then followed the crocodile and others out of the small casino.

After Xiong Xiaotian and his party left, the small casino quickly returned to its original fiery state, and a group of gamblers who wanted money and life began to yell enthusiastically. It seemed that they had forgotten the episode just now.

Really forgot?

Naturally impossible!

Every gaming table in the casino is full of people, except for the dice gaming table where Jiang Dong is, there is no one...


Jiang Dong only showed the tip of the iceberg of gambling skills just now, and he has been regarded as the God of Gamblers by those gamblers. Who would dare to go to the gambling table where Jiang Dong is?

After all, Jiang Dong is now a croupier!

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed, only Wei You and Xu Yang were around Jiang Dong, and no third person came!

This is embarrassing...

However, during this period of time, Jiangdong received a reward for completing the task, a level 8 equity transfer card. This is a good thing, which is equivalent to giving Jiangdong 80 million or even more in disguise!

After the system upgrade, not only the flash kill options were enriched, but even the mission reward cards were much better than before.

It seems that the road to system upgrades cannot stop!

"Brother Dong, no one will come to you to gamble." Xu Yang said to Jiang Dong with a smile: "Brother Dong, how can you be proficient in gambling?"

Xu Yang's subtext is that at such a young age, it should be impossible for Jiang Dong to come into contact with such things as gambling, right?

"Me? I'm actually Gao Jin's apprentice, but I've been hiding my identity!" Jiang Dong said half-jokingly.

"I believe in you!" Xu Yang was really amused by Jiang Dong.

"Brother Dong, shall we continue to stay here?" Wei You is more serious than Xu Yang, maybe because Wei You feels that his status in Jiangdong Group is not high, so he dare not joke with Jiangdong like Xu Yang.

After all, Xu Yang and Zheng Yi are Jiang Dong's default second in command!

"Anyway, there's nothing to do, just experience life." Jiang Dong can't tell the truth, he hasn't worked part time yet, if he just leaves, maybe the mastery of gambling will disappear?

This is a loss-making business, Jiang Dong will not do it!

"Brother Dong!" At this time, the bald croupier came over, bowed respectfully to Jiang Dong and said, "Brother Kun, please leave it to me first!"

"Haha! Let's go! Brother Dong!" Xu Yang laughed loudly, "Ah Kun can't help it anymore, this one table will save him a lot of money!"

"Let's go!" Jiang Dong raised the corners of his lips, without arguing, he led Xu Yang and Wei You towards the depths of the casino.

Afterwards, Jiang Dong changed the croupier uniform and put on Shenhao's standard luxury suit, and then took Wei You and Xu Yang to Akun's office.

Seeing Jiangdong walk in, Akun immediately stood up, welcomed the three of Jiangdong into the office respectfully, and served tea and water courteously.

"Don't be too busy, you have collected Xiong Xiaotian's IOU, it's a windfall!" Jiang Dong waved his hand at Akun and said with a faint smile.

"Brother Dong means..." Akun's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

If he understood correctly, the 10 million that Jiangdong won just now also belonged to Akun?

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