"Master! What are you going to do? Ah!" Wu Shun only let out a scream, and Zhang Chao understood.

Zhang Chao is also a ruthless person. In his eyes, there is no need to think about such things as a dead fellow Daoist and not a poor Taoist. After all, he is a ruthless person who dares to kill even his own brothers. A Wu Shun, dead Also died.

After finishing Wu Shun, Zhang Chao touched the blood on his face, turned to look at Jiang Dong with hope in his eyes, "Mr. Jiang, I have already killed..."

Only halfway through the words, Zhang Chao froze on the spot, and even let go of his palm subconsciously, and the machete immediately fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

As for Jiang Dong, he was taking pictures with his mobile phone, including the scene where Zhang Chao hacked Wu Shun to death just now, which was completely captured by him!

"Ah Yi, put the knife away and keep it safe. This is physical evidence!" Jiang Dong held his mobile phone with a smile and shook it in front of Zhang Chao's eyes. "This is the key evidence, the whole story of a murder case..."

"This..." Zhang Chao was completely dumbfounded, he really didn't know what Jiang Dong wanted to do.

"Don't panic, as long as you are obedient, no one will know about this matter. As for Wu Shun's death, I have already arranged it." Jiang Dong smiled mysteriously at Zhang Chao.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhang Chao realized that he had been deceived by Jiang Dong, and the fatal handle had also fallen into Jiang Dong's hands!

As long as Zhang Chao dares to be disobedient, Jiang Dong can casually make him fall into eternal doom!

"Mr. Jiang...Brother Dong...I'm sure you'll be obedient...I'm your dog..." Zhang Chao has already realized that he has no chance of making a comeback, and now, confessing his love is his only way out.

"You are fine." Jiang Dong nodded appreciatively to Zhang Chao, "Now, I want you to do the first thing, help Xiong Xiaotian to the throne!"

"This..." Zhang Chao looked embarrassed, "Xiong Dafa is very prestigious in the hearts of his subordinates, I'm afraid it's..."

Before Zhang Chao finished speaking, Jiang Dong's phone rang.

Jiang Dong looked down and saw that it was Xiong Xiaotian who called, and then Jiang Dong smiled sinisterly, "What prestige can a dead person have?"

When Jiang Dong's words fell, Zhang Chao froze on the spot as if he had been shocked by an electric shock.

What's the meaning?

Bear Dafa is dead?

how can that be?

Soon, after Jiang Dong connected the phone, Zhang Chao's doubts were completely resolved...

Jiang Dong switched the phone to the external speaker function, and Xiong Xiaotian's trembling voice came to everyone's ears, "Jiang Dong, Xiong Dafa has been poisoned to death by me, and you have fulfilled your wish. Now, I want a black boxing fighting arena." !"

Xiong Dafa... is dead?

Or was it poisoned to death by Xiong Xiaotian?

This news, like a bolt from the blue, hit everyone's minds, causing everyone to fall into a state of petrification, staring at Jiang Dong in dumbfounded... Except for Xu Yang, he was the only one in the field who knew all the plans!


The fundamental purpose of Jiangdong playing for Xiong Xiaotian is to let Xiong Xiaotian kill Xiong Dafa!

Jiang Dong first took advantage of Xiong Xiaotian's weakness of arrogance and vanity, and constantly stimulated Xiong Xiaotian. He buried a seed in Xiong Xiaotian's heart.

Jiang Dong wants Xiong Xiaotian to know that as long as Xiong Dafa is alive, he will never be able to stand at the same height as Jiang Dong. All Xiong's money, energy, and manpower cannot listen to Xiong Xiaotian. It's just a moth called "dandy" and "second generation", waste!

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