Xu Yang took a sneak peek at Jiang Dong curiously, he really wanted to know what kind of conspiracy Jiang Dong was planning?

Moreover, every time Jiangdong plans something, there will always be people who will follow him. Li Xiong, Chai Laosan, Zhang's family, Xiong Dafa, aren't they all living examples?

So, this time, whose turn will it be?

Soon, Jiang Dong dialed the phone, and the other end was also very face-saving, and the connection was connected almost instantly.

"Jiangdong! What the hell are you doing?" Xiong Xiaotian's furious and impetuous voice came from the phone, "Where's the black boxing arena? Are you breaking your word?"

"Do you only see the black boxing arena in your eyes?" Jiang Dong said calmly: "Can you take a longer view? It is because of short-sightedness that Xiong Dafa keeps staring at the small Wucheng, and finally he becomes a frog in the well." , and even bind themselves in a cocoon!"

"What do you want to say?" Xiong Xiaotian was still roaring, but the anger value in the words was obviously weakening.

As a young man, a second-generation playboy, Xiong Xiaotian, who is whimsical and wants to get ahead, and prove to everyone that he is more suitable to be the talker than his father, what is the most urgent thing to get now?



It's prestige!

Now Xiong Xiaotian desperately wants to gain enough prestige to frighten the group of people who finally got big!

He wants to prove that he is more suitable to lead those tough men than Xiong Dafa!

As the cornucopia of Wucheng, the Black Fist Fighting Field was taken by Xiong Dafa and then lost. If Xiong Xiaotian could get it back from Jiangdong when he took over the Xiong family, his reputation would definitely explode. Harmonious voices will be instantly suppressed, that's why Xiong Xiaotian's obsession with the black boxing arena is so great!

After all, Xiong Dafa's death was strange, and it was really difficult for the fledgling Xiong Xiaotian to hide it from the group of people.

Naturally, Xiong Xiaotian hopes to gain enough reputation for himself in a short time!

These, Jiang Dong has already planned!

"What I want to say is that no matter how big the black boxing fighting arena is, no matter how powerful it is, it is only within the scope of Wucheng." Jiang Dong said eloquently, "Have you ever thought about taking Xiong's family to the magic capital?" Development? That is a real international metropolis, full of gold, far more prosperous than Wucheng, which lives in a corner!"

"Go to the capital and develop?" Xiong Xiaotian's tone was no longer angry, but full of eagerness to move.

Jiang Dong: "Zhang Chao helped you to the top, didn't you think of anything?"

Xiong Xiaotian: "Good brother, if you have something to say, just say it!"

Xiong Xiaotian's address to Jiang Dong has become a good brother.

It's that amazing!

"Zhang Chao has something in my hands. He is my man and he will listen to me. If you are willing to go to Shanghai to develop, I will force Zhang Chao to put the Zhang family under your name!" Said: "Compared with Zhang's Black Fist Fighting Arena, which one do you think is more valuable?"

"It must be Mrs. Zhang!" Xiong Xiaotian's voice was already trembling, which was excited.

Zhang, as Xiong's immediate boss, has been on top of Xiong since the day Xiong Da started his momentum.

If Xiong Xiaotian can turn against customers and become Zhang's talker, even if Xiong Xiaotian doesn't do anything, he has already crushed Xiong Dafa countless times!

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