"Mr. Jiang..." Xia Xue said in an extremely complicated manner: "As soon as the market opened this morning, the trend of Huguang Technology was as you said. Now it has reached the daily limit, and the big orders are sealed. It’s still a daily limit day.”

"That is to say, we will make more than 30% profit in these three days, and then exit safely, right?" Jiang Dong sat on the sofa with a smile, and looked at Xia Xue calmly.

On the first day, the 190 million short-selling funds successfully obtained a 10% profit, which became 209 million.

Today, the limit is raised again, and 10% of the profit of 290 million will be obtained. Therefore, Jiangdong's final profit will be more than 30% of the initial capital of 190 million!

More than 30% profit, no problem!

"Yes!" Xia Xue nodded heavily.

She really did not expect that Jiang Dong would create such a terrifying miracle.

Moreover, she also discovered that this young man who had just graduated from high school seemed to be covered in a mysterious coat, making it difficult for people to see through and guess.

In fact, Jiang Dong has known the trend chart of Huguang Technology for the past three days, and this result is really not surprising to him at all.

Jiang Dong: "The shipment will start tomorrow morning, and all funds must leave the market before the market closes. Is there a problem?"

"No problem!" Xia Xue nodded and responded, "Leaving will start tomorrow morning, and shipments will be made one after another."

"Consolidate the funds after leaving the field, and report the data to me at night, that's it!" After Jiang Dong finished speaking, he stood up directly and walked out of the office.

There is no problem with Jucai Finance, and we will start upgrading the system when the money arrives tomorrow night.

Now, the system doesn't even have a problem with two levels. Jiang Dong should start imagining what the system will look like after level 10?

After coming to Jucai Finance for a stop, Jiang Dong left.

The meaning of this gathering of wealth and finance to Jiangdong is to gather the Zhang family. When the matter is over, Jiangdong will sell this place...

Wucheng is just a springboard, and Shanghai is the real big stage!

After leaving Jucai Finance, Zheng Yi drove around with Jiang Dong. In the end, under Jiang Dong's intentional or unintentional guidance, he passed by the largest beauty institution in Wucheng...

Jiang Dong took advantage of the opportunity to sign in. Anyway, the system upgrade will not continue until tomorrow's funds are in place. Today's sign-in can't be wasted, so just choose to sign in here.

In fact, Jiang Dong simply wanted to obtain the beauty-scanning ability described in the novel, and he didn't know if he could achieve his wish...

After signing in, the system immediately listed eight options for instant killing. Jiang Dong glanced at it and immediately ruled out six options, leaving only two options...

The first is to improve the appearance. 9 yuan and 9 can improve Jiangdong’s appearance. This feeling is not bad, but it is also tasteless, because in today’s society, rich people are the most handsome!

So, the second one is left...

Ability to view face value!


It was the kind of ability that Jiang Dong wanted to obtain!

Jiang Dong chose today's spike option without hesitation, and invested ten yuan into the system light curtain.

Fortunately, Jiang Dong chose to sit in the back row beforehand, and Zheng Yi didn't see Jiang Dong's trick of throwing money.

"Congratulations to the host for having the ability to check appearance!"

"This ability is only available to women. After using it, the system will give the most pertinent appearance score, body score, and special equal score."

"Note that the special rating is reviewed based on the character and purity of the person being viewed, you understand."

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