In fact, the game that night was deliberately played by this group of people for Ning Zhe. They all knew that the way was wrong, so it was even more impossible for them to be presumptuous in front of Jiangdong. Gamblers must be too hungry to walk around!

Just like that, without Jiang Dong saying a word, this group of imaginative gamblers ran away, as if they were afraid that Jiang Dong would remember their appearance, they didn't even pursue their gambling debts, and even paid back their debts. Throw the bet signed by Zhang Ningzhe on the ground...

Sometimes, I have to admire the brains of these gamblers.

But I have to admit that their approach is the most correct approach so far!

Because there is nothing wrong with their brains, what they are facing is the number one boss in Wucheng!

In the blink of an eye, no one ran away, and calm returned to the corridor.

"Jiang Dong! So you are so good?" Ning Siqi looked at Jiang Dong in a daze, as if she had known him for the first time.

With a flattering smile on Ning Zhe's face, he accused Ning Siqi, "Silly girl! What are you talking about? Your son-in-law is now the real boss of Wucheng..."

"Oh! Dad! What are you talking about?" Ning Siqi's pretty face turned red in an instant, she stomped her feet, turned around and ran into the room.

It's still not going well, Ning Zhe even called out the title "son-in-law", how could Ning Siqi still have the nerve to stay here?

"Come here! My son-in-law! Come in and sit down! Just stay here and eat!" After Ning Zhe finished speaking, he wanted to step forward to pull Jiangdong.

Ning Zhe's face is comparable to a city wall. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with this title. He even looks forward to Jiang Dong accepting this title. It's millions.

"That..." Jiang Dong was also confused.

He came to save the scene, but he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and the matter was over.

At the end of the quarrel, Ning Zhe called him his son-in-law. Although Jiang Dong also hoped that things would develop according to this plot, but the main character, Ning Siqi, ran away, so how can it develop?

Before Jiang Dong finished speaking, Li Fen took a step ahead of Ning Zhe, took Jiang Dong's arm, and dragged him into the room, "Son-in-law, stay for a meal, and mother-in-law will show you..."

"???" Jiang Dong really didn't expect things to develop to such an extent that Li Fen directly called himself mother-in-law?

It seems that you have to be young and promising!

It's easy to get the mother-in-law...

"Brother Dong, you're busy first, I'll dodge first..." Zheng Yi gave a smirk, and ran off in a very unscrupulous manner, leaving Jiang Dong alone, really messed up in the wind.

It didn't take long for Jiang Dong to be in a mess, Ning Zhe and Li Fen dragged Jiang Dong into the house without any explanation.

Ning Siqi was originally sitting on the sofa, looking in the direction of the door, but after Jiang Dong was dragged in by Ning Zhe and Li Fen, Ning Siqi immediately turned her head and pretended to be watching TV, but that pretty face , the red one is a bit obvious...

Besides, Jiang Dong, before he could react from the shock, he was dragged in by Li Fen and Ning Zhe. Even Jiang Dong, who was used to seeing big scenes, was still in a state of bewilderment...

Ning Zhe and Li Fen looked at each other, and the two quickly reached a consensus through eye contact.

"You two young people chat first!"

"Yes, yes! Let's go out to buy vegetables!"

Without saying a word, Li Fen and Ning Zhe walked out, not forgetting to close the door...

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