"Lying grass!" Hearing Jiang Dong's words, Zheng Yi became angry instantly, "He rides on a horse and calls him Xiaobawang? Does he deserve it?"

Feng Bin and the others immediately burst out laughing, who didn't know that Zheng Yi's nickname was Xiaobawang.

"That..." At this moment, a big man appeared from the crowd, came out with a big smile on his face, and said to Feng Bin cautiously: "Brother Bin, I have a boy, he seems to have a little brother called Xiashanhu, just hang out in the next street..."

"Fuck!" Feng Bin kicked over, "Call here!"

"Yes!" The man didn't dare to get angry after being kicked by Feng Bin. While apologizing, he called his boy over, and then his boy started calling again.

Not long after, a gaudy young man appeared in front of everyone...

"Bosses! Little brother Zhou Tong, nicknamed Xiaohuamao..." The spirited boy looked very nervous, and bowed at ninety degrees directly to Jiang Dong and the others, and his words were a little awkward, "Friends in the Jianghu, save face, Call me a tiger..."

"You are his lifelong enemy?" Jiang Dong looked at the spirited boy in front of him with a smile, raised his hand and pointed at Zhang Zhou, "Go, hit me!"

"Okay!" Zhou Tong raised his fist and rushed forward without saying a word.

It was really like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, beating a dozen or so at a time, but Zhang Zhou's horse boys were too scared to even move, let alone fight back!

There was also Zhang Zhou, who was beaten by Zhou Tong, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he screamed again and again.

"Brother! Grandpa! Dear father! I was wrong!"

"I will never dare to approach Ningning again!"

"It's because I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai!"

"Brother, let me go!"

Zhang Zhou lay on the ground and was beaten up by Zhou Tong. The harder Zhou Tong beat him, the louder Zhang Zhou begged for mercy.

"It's gone!" Jiang Dong glanced out of the alley, and there are already many people watching the fun, which is not good.

"Let's go!"

"Brother Dong! Have some drink tonight?"

"Fitness center, see you there!"

Several bosses dispersed with a group of subordinates, and the small alley became quiet in an instant, only Zhou Tong was still beating Zhang Zhou fatly...

"Okay! You should stop too!" Jiang Dong waved his hand.

"Yes! Brother Dong!" Zhou Tong stopped immediately, and after returning to Jiang Dong, he immediately maintained a ninety-degree bow and said to Zhang Zhou: "I don't even look at what I am. Pretend to be beeping with Brother Dong? It’s because Brother Dong is kind that I didn’t kill you today!”

"Brother Xie Dong... I will never dare to approach Ning Ning again... definitely not..." Zhang Zhou crawled towards the distance like a dog. As for the horse boys under him, they had already run away with their pants in their hands. .

To be honest, Zhang Zhou was shocked today too much!

Zhou Tong's eldest brother is Jiang Dong's horse boy, and this horse riding is like an atomic bomb to blow up mosquitoes!

It is no exaggeration to say that what happened today will become Zhang Zhou's lingering nightmare for the rest of his life!

"Brother Dong, I'm leaving if there's nothing else to do." Zhou Tong bowed respectfully to Jiang Dong, and before leaving, he didn't forget to take a peek at Chen Ningning.

Don't get me wrong, Zhou Tong has no other intentions, he just wants to keep Chen Ningning's appearance in his heart.

After all, today's gathering of big brothers who came and went in a hurry was started because of her.

Zhou Tong secretly decided that Chen Ningning's safety must be ensured on this ground in the future, this is the biggest shortcut to a higher position!

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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