Seeing Jiang Dong coming back on a shared bicycle, everyone stood up to greet him.

"Brother Dong, get a car!"

"Exactly! The number one boss in Wucheng goes out to ride a shared bicycle, what's that called?"

"You guys know what? Brother Dong is going to Shanghai soon. If you want to buy a car, you have to go to Shanghai to buy a car. It's a big city with everything!"


Everyone let Jiang Dong in with one word and one word, and the mahjong game was naturally stopped, but it was changed to a wine game.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Wei You and Zhang Fei joined in.

Zhang Fei, who had just arrived, was not a backbone, so he was naturally a little nervous. Fortunately, Feng Bin reminded him everywhere, and the atmosphere was not so stiff.

Feng Bin and Zhang Fei's petty actions did not escape Jiang Dong's eyes.

After it was confirmed that Wei You would go to Shanghai, Zhang Fei became the only high-ranking civilian under Feng Bin, and Zhang Fei's personal ability was indeed good, and he was indeed worthy of Feng Bin's wooing.

Feng Bin, on the other hand, took Jiang Dong a little by surprise. This guy looked carefree, but in fact he was a bit scheming.

"Everyone." Jiang Dong didn't comment too much on Feng Bin and Zhang Fei's small actions. He just raised his glass and had a drink with everyone before continuing to ask: "What's the matter with Xiong Xiaotian?"

As soon as Jiang Dong's voice fell, Xu San immediately said: "Brother Dong, I received a report that Xiong Xiaotian has sent the vanguard to enter the magic capital, and he himself stayed in Wucheng, intending to sell part of his property, exchange it for cash, and rush In the international metropolis of Jinmodu, Wucheng will leave some people to manage it, and the Xiong family is no longer able to compete with any of us present!"

"Third brother, keep an eye on the Xiong family. Once the main force leaves, eat the Xiong family immediately and recruit their troops. I will not leave this retreat to Xiong Xiaotian."

"Yes!" Xu San and Xu Wu looked at each other, and they both read the excitement in each other's eyes.

Leaving the remaining power of the Xiong family to the Xu family is a great opportunity to expand their power. The Xu family, an old force in Wucheng, does not want to be overwhelmed by the newly rising Feng Bin.

"Abin." Jiang Dong nodded towards Xu San and Xu Wu, and then looked at Feng Bin.

"Brother Dong!" Although Feng Bin was unhappy in his heart, he definitely didn't dare to show it on his face. He still responded respectfully to Jiang Dong, "What are your orders?"

"You've been staring at Xiong's property for the past few days. What do they sell and what do we buy, but the price must be low, so suck Xiong Xiaotian's blood first, understand?" Leave it to you to take care of."

"Yes! Understood!" Feng Bin's previous unhappiness was swept away, replaced by more excited emotions than the Xu brothers.

"Cooperate well with Zhang Fei. In Wucheng, Zhang Fei is definitely a talent." Jiang Dong took a deep look at the civil and military pair, and said lightly.


"Brother, don't worry!"

Zhang Fei and Feng Bin looked at each other, and they both responded enthusiastically to Jiang Dong.

In the battle to carve up the Xiong family, Jiang Dong wanted to push the Xu family into the rivers and lakes, introduce Feng Bin into the business world, and separate civil and military families, which is the greatest check and balance.

"Akun..." Jiang Dong turned his head and looked at Akun with a smile, "What are your plans?"

"Hey..." Akun looked at Jiang Dong flatteringly, his posture was so low, "What does Brother Dong want me to do?"

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