In fact, Jiangdong kept Feng Bin in Wucheng, in addition to guarding Shen Xiulian, it was to check and balance the Xu family!

To be honest, Jiang Dong didn't completely trust those four members of the Xu family, because they were different from Xu Yang!

"Get up!" Jiang Dong helped Feng Bin up, and said with a smile: "I want your life, what's the point? Live well, understand?"

"Understood!" Feng Bin nodded vigorously, blinked his eyes quickly, and forced back his tears.

Jiang Dong not only gave Feng Bin money, identity, status, and future, but also gave Feng Bin dignity. This is something Feng Bin has never asked for in his life. Feng Bin, how can he not sell his life?

"Zhang Fei! You have another two million bonus!" Jiang Dong waved to Zhang Fei, who looked a bit out of place in the crowd, "Help Feng Bin well."

"Don't worry, Brother Dong, I will definitely not disappoint Brother Dong and Brother Bin!" Zhang Fei roared excitedly.

Zhang Fei didn't expect that he could get a bonus of two million.

This is not only an unexpected joy, but also a windfall, especially for him, who was once vacillating, everything Jiangdong gave is even more precious.

"The rest of the brothers, 100,000 each, ask you Brother Bin to collect the money!" Jiang Dong waved his hand, and directly pushed this good thing of giving favors to Feng Bin.

Feng Bin is not as good at fighting with long hair, not as courageous as Ah Le, and not as prestigious as Zheng Yi. Jiang Dong kept him in Wucheng, so he naturally wanted to give him a chance to establish his prestige and buy people's hearts, and this time, it was an excellent opportunity!

"Thank you, Brother Dong! Thank you, Brother Bin!"

"Bingo Beep!"

"Follow Brother Bin and have meat to eat!"

A group of strong men started screaming at the top of their lungs, even praising Feng Bin to the sky.

One hundred thousand dollars is nothing to Jiangdong, but for this group of rough men with little education, it is definitely a huge sum of money, and many people are even willing to die for one hundred thousand dollars!

Jiang Dong took a look at the lively main hall, then turned his head, gave Zheng Yi and Wei You a look, and the three of them walked out of Taishan Fitness Center one file at a time.

Jiang Dong: "Eat something, I'm hungry."

Zheng Yi: "Hey! Brother Dong, eating is a trivial matter. When are we going to Shanghai?"

Jiang Dong: "You can choose to leave tonight, I plan to sleep well tonight, and then leave tomorrow!"

"Brother Dong, can I go then?" Zheng Yi was gearing up, eager to try.

"Go find Xu Yang!" Jiang Dong waved his hands helplessly.

In fact, Zheng Yi couldn't wait to return to the capital, and he didn't even want to wait for a night!

Without further ado, Zheng Yi jumped onto the big Mercedes-Benz G, and was about to drive straight to Shanghai, when Jiang Dong suddenly stopped him.

Jiang Dong: "Ayi..."

"What's wrong, Brother Dong?" Zheng Yi poked his head out of the car window and looked at Jiang Dong in confusion.

"Everyone got the money, but you didn't get the money, so don't you want to say something?" Jiang Dong looked at Zheng Yi calmly.

"Brother Dong, after all, money is something outside of the body. As long as you work hard with Brother Dong, you will definitely have a lot of money in the future!" Zheng Yi grinned, and his words were not artificial at all, very sincere, "I think, long Fa and A Le must think so too!"

"You can think so, I'm relieved." Jiang Dong nodded towards Zheng Yi, "Go, pick up A Le and Zheng Yi, and you go to Shanghai together, the medical equipment there is more advanced than Wu Cheng A lot, it helps their injuries, and I will go there tomorrow."

"Brother Dong, then I'll go first!" Without saying a word, Zheng Yi stepped on the gas pedal and headed straight for the hospital.

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