Under the attention of all the people, Jiang Dong went directly to the registration place for freshmen inside the main entrance of the campus. At this moment, the crowd exploded in an instant...

"Lying on the grass! Is he a freshman?"

"It's the first time I've seen such an arrogant freshman!"

"Did you see his clothes? Louis Vuitton's latest summer style, this set costs tens of thousands!"

"Which family's rich second generation is this? Why did you come to our school?"

Everyone around them had a heated discussion about Jiang Dong.

However, compared with the people scattered around, the seniors who are responsible for receiving the new students, although they are equally curious about Jiang Dong's arrogant outfit and his origin, but no one talks about it openly, at most they whisper Just mutter a few words.

It is no exaggeration to say that with this attire, Jiang Dong has become a well-deserved figure among the freshmen with a seemingly arrogant attitude!

When Jiang Dong walked to the location of the welcome report, a tall and slender Qianying stood up from his seat and smiled at Jiang Dong: "Student, we meet again!"

When Jiang Dong heard the words, it turned out to be Xia Mumu, the junior sister whom he had seen in Chenghuang Temple before...

"What a coincidence!" Jiang Dong smiled politely. Of course, after Xia Xue's warning before, Jiang Dong naturally kept a distance from Xia Mumu, "My name is Jiang Dong, freshman registration."

"I know!" Xia Mumu flipped through the roster in his hand with a smile, "You are the last one to report for this year's freshmen, and you are the only one left on the roster now."

Jiang Dong didn't speak, but just smiled calmly.

He is not Xiaobai, so he naturally knows the reason why Xia Mumu appeared here.

Going to the Town God's Temple in the morning proved that Xia Mumu was not part of the welcome team, but Jiang Dong saw her here when he came to sign up. Doesn't that explain everything?

Xia Xue is right, Xia Mumu really has his eye on Jiangdong!

"Jiangdong, major in mining management..." At this point, Xia Mumu looked at Jiangdong curiously, "This year's newly established major, why did you apply for this major?"

"Obey the distribution." Jiang Dong shrugged and kept the long story short.

"So that's it." Xia Mumu nodded, then smiled, and half-jokingly said to Jiang Dong: "Although this major is a new major in our School of Economics, you are the first batch of students, but it is out-and-out The monk major, the whole major seems to be three girls, right?"

"Really? Which dormitory am I in?" Jiang Dong pretended not to understand Xia Mumu's hint. In fact, Xia Mumu wanted to hint to Jiang Dong that there were not many girls in his major, including the class. The implication was that she was a girl...

Lying grass!

Straight up!

Jiang Dong pretended not to understand Xia Mumu's words, but the seniors from the student union around him all looked at each other...

The eyes of everyone looking at Jiang Dong also became different...

What is the magic of this new life?

To be so fascinated by Xia Mumu, who is at the flower level, in just one meeting?

You know, Xia Mumu's suitors in the School of Economics are countless!

While the undercurrent was surging, Jiang Dong's name had spread throughout the entire student body through prestige groups and other online social platforms!

Who is the most prestigious person in this freshman class?

There is no doubt that Jiangdong is also!

Before entering the dormitory, he was already a man of the hour in the School of Economics!

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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