Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 574 Under heavy rewards, the student union is shit

In an instant, many students started to take a few steps back, as if they didn't want to have any contact with Jiangdong.

"That's it?" Jiang Dong sneered disdainfully, and looked at Li Yang jokingly, "If I win, I want you to stand downstairs in the dormitory and bow your head to me in public to admit your mistake. If I lose, I will drop out of school immediately. Do you dare to bet?"

"Hahaha!" Li Yang raised his head and laughed wildly, "Aren't you afraid that you haven't recognized the current situation? Except Mumu, who do you think will fetch your things for you? Who dares to fetch your things for you?"

Jiang Dong: "Don't worry, I won't ask this senior sister for help! Do you dare to bet?"

Li Yang: "Remove the word 'ma' for me!"

"It's a deal!" Jiang Dong raised the corner of his mouth, and his eyes showed pity.

"Okay! Let's start your performance!" Li Yang sat back in his seat confidently, as if waiting to see Jiang Dong's joke.

Not only Li Yang, but almost all the onlookers were waiting to see Jiang Dong's joke...

A new freshman, who hasn't even met his roommate yet, wants to wrestle with someone from the student union?

So whimsical!

It can only be said that this freshman class is brave!

However, under the gaze of everyone, Jiang Dong cleared his throat arrogantly, and shouted loudly: "Now, who will help me get the things from the Academic Affairs Office? As long as the things can be delivered before I return to the dormitory, I reward 20,000 Dragon National Coins!"

As soon as Jiang Dong's words came out, everyone in the audience gasped...

Twenty thousand?

This is 20,000?

One year tuition plus accommodation plus living expenses!

In an instant, the crowd who kept a distance from Jiangdong before boiled up!

"True or false?"

"If it is true, I will go!"

"The student union can't stop my determination to get 20,000 yuan!"

"The annual fee has been settled!"

"It looks like a local tyrant! Niubi!"

"I go!"

Accompanied by the yelling, the belated crowd rushed towards Jiangdong crazily. Those who didn't know it thought it was the 100-meter race in the sports meeting!

At this moment, they regretted it very much. Why did Mao have to retreat a certain distance just now?

The so-called loyalty just depends on whether the temptation chips are enough!

For ordinary college students, 20,000 yuan is definitely a huge sum of money that cannot be refused, and it will be considered shit in this life!

However, people are not as good as heaven. The group of people who kept a distance from Jiangdong before rushed to Jiangdong, and they were beside Jiangdong. A member of the student union who was in charge of welcoming new students jumped out from behind the table. One stood in front of Jiangdong...

At this moment, Li Yang's face was turning green. He never expected that the people around him would be the first to turn against him!

In fact, Li Yang also wanted to jump out from behind the table, but because he was too tall, his legs were caught by the table...

"Cheng Li! What are you doing? Don't give me face?" With a cold face, Li Yang asked in a deep voice to the male student with a wicked look standing in front of Jiang Dong.

"Face?" Cheng Li squinted his small eyes, turned his head to look at Li Yang, "Your face is worth 20,000 yuan? Don't give yourself money!"

Cheng Li's words made Li Yang quite angry. After finishing speaking, Cheng Li turned his head to look at Jiang Dong, "Primary school boy, is it really 20,000?"

"Give me the QR code of Weixin, and I will transfer the money to you now." Jiang Dong opened Weixin to scan it disapprovingly.

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