As for the only female student in the class, she didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, and seemed a bit out of place... It can't be blamed for not being gregarious, the whole class is male, and she is the only girl, so it's strange if she fits in. !

"Okay!" Wang Bin smiled and waved his hands, "Now, let's introduce ourselves first, who will come first?"

After Wang Bin finished speaking, the classroom immediately became quiet, because everyone was waiting and watching. After all, they were all kids who had just graduated from high school, and they must be the first to stand up in front of everyone, so they must have some scruples...

However, this scruple can almost be ignored for the two of them.

The first to bear the brunt was Jiang Dong, and this kind of scene was nothing to him.

The second person is Xu Yangguang, and his family background is not simple, so such a small scene is naturally not a problem.

However, Jiang Dong didn't plan to be the first on stage, so he didn't move, and Xu Yangguang planned to impress that female classmate, so naturally, he did his part!

Immediately, Xu Yangguang stood up and walked up to the podium under the curious and surprised eyes of everyone.

"Students, my name is Xu Yangguang. Yes, is your first reaction to Sunshine being handsome? That's me!" Xu Yangguang talked eloquently, with a calm expression on his face. He looked like someone who had often experienced such scenes.

Xu Yangguang's humor made everyone laugh, even the female classmate couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

After a brief introduction, Xu Yangguang suddenly looked at the female classmate, and said without warning, "Student, is it convenient to add prestige? My loli voice is sweet and cute!"



"Kneel to the boss!"


"Are you going to confess your love at the first class meeting?"

I have to say that Xu Yangguang's courage is really not comparable to that of ordinary people.

All the students in the audience started booing, from the initial ridicule to the final uniform shouting of slogans.

"Add prestige!"

"Add prestige! Add prestige!"

The female classmate blushed and did not respond.

Xu Yangguang was not embarrassed, just smiled and walked off the podium.

With Xu Yangguang's good start, a group of students also introduced themselves on stage one after another, and the atmosphere was very lively.

And Jiangdong's small group started whispering.

"Xu Shao, bull beep!"

"Admiration! Admiration!"

He Lin and Lu Zhuang cupped their fists towards Xu Yangguang.

"I can't tell, why are you so fierce?" Jiang Dong couldn't help but tease.

"It's better to act than to be moved, express your attitude first, so that no one will rob me!" Xu Yangguang was very satisfied with the performance just now.

Several people in Jiangdong teased each other, and finally, the female classmate took the stage.

"Hi everyone, my name is Xu Mengmeng, and I'm from Xishan Province." Xu Mengmeng didn't talk much, she seemed a little introverted, so she just cut a short sentence and stepped off the stage.

"What a coincidence, my surname is also Xu." Xu Yangguang started talking to himself, his eyes were full of Xu Mengmeng.

"Aren't you a nympho?" Jiang Dong curled his lips.

Afterwards, Lu Zhuang and He Lin came to the stage respectively, and both ended their self-introductions with a simple sentence.

All the way to Jiangdong, he was the last one to appear on the stage, and just stood up, the most enthusiastic cheers erupted in the classroom...

"Shenhao is here!"

"God bull beep!"

"Godly and mighty!"

This group of students has long known Jiang Dong's name through the forum. As the most prominent freshman in this class, even the teacher must have heard of Jiang Dong's name.

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