Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 583 Who will pierce the window paper first

"Lying grass! Playing hard to get? You have been taught!" Xu Yangguang suddenly realized, "Brother Dong looks like a battle-tested veteran!"

"Don't make trouble, I haven't chased anyone yet!" Jiang Dong smiled and waved his hands.

"Brother Dong's condition can only be pursued by beautiful women."

"I think so."

"I'm jealous!"

"I'm afraid we two brothers will be single for four years and will be dependent on each other!"

He Lin and Lu Zhuang turned into lemon essence one after another.

The four left the teaching building talking and laughing, and walked outside the school.

"What is Dong Ge planning to treat?" Xu Yangguang rubbed his hands together and laughed, "Would you like me, a local native, to recommend something? For example, some famous seafood restaurant?"

"Let's forget it!" The simple and honest Lu Zhuang was the first to shake his head, "It's past six o'clock now, and the dormitory is locked at nine o'clock, and we must drink after a big meal. What if we can't come back?"

"Lu Zhuang is right, we have to do military training tomorrow!" He Lin immediately added.

"Wait first, I'll make a call." Jiang Dong signaled the three of them to chat, and then walked a few steps quickly. After putting some distance away from the three of them, he took out his phone and dialed Xia Xue's number.

"Hello!" Xia Xue's voice was very low, and the surrounding environment was also very quiet.

"Didn't go to eat?" Jiang Dong teased and smiled.

"I'm in the hospital!" Xia Xue said with some displeasure, "Besides, what does it have to do with you whether I go to eat or not? It's not working time!"

this feeling...

Nothing wrong, it's like being jealous!

"No other meaning, just asking, I am about to invite my classmates to dinner, if you are also eating, you can just share a table." Jiang Dong said without blushing or panting.

"I believe in you!" Xia Xue was forcibly broken by Jiang Dong, and she changed from Gao Leng Yujie to complaining mode, "Don't you just want to meet Liu Ye? Just say it straight, why be so oblique!"

"Why do I want to see Liu Ye? I just want to fight for a table." Jiang Dong smiled maliciously: "I think, you seem to have misunderstood something?"

As the saying goes, when a master fights, whoever breaks the defense first loses. Xia Xue has made this mistake now.

Moreover, whoever pierces this layer of window paper first will be completely defeated, and Xia Xue is drifting away on this road.

"I..." Xia Xue was speechless for a moment.

She has nothing to say!

Could it be that she directly admitted that she misunderstood Jiang Dong's meaning?

Or did he take the initiative to find out that Jiang Dong had a crush on her?

But if Jiang Dong didn't take a fancy to her, wouldn't it be a big trouble for Oolong?

"If it's work-related, you can call me at any time. If it's something else, I'm sorry, I'm not available!" Xia Xue hung up the phone angrily, not giving Jiang Dong a chance to talk at all.

"Hehe!" Jiang Dong laughed disapprovingly. Anyway, his goal has been achieved, as long as Xia Xue doesn't go to dinner with that Liu.

After finishing the call with Xia Xue, Jiang Dong turned around and walked to Xu Yangguang's side, and said lightly: "Let's have a simple meal nearby today, and we have military training tomorrow. I will treat you to a big meal when I have a chance!"


"Go to the big eaters!"

"Let's eat hot pot! Replenish your energy, and you will have military training tomorrow!"

"No problem!"

A group of people walked towards the hot pot restaurant near the school lively.

Not to mention, the school is a project that promotes nearby industries. For example, the two streets on the left and right of the School of Economics in Shanghai, the entire street on the left is full of small hotels, and there are several small KTVs and bars in the middle, all of which are full. The street on the right is half filled with Internet cafes and half filled with restaurants, and it is still full.

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