Regarding the whereabouts of Han Ming and the others, Xu Yangguang and the others were still very curious.

However, after guessing and guessing, they couldn't guess the answer, so a few people gave up.

Xu Yangguang intentionally took half a step behind, quietly stood behind Jiang Dong, and asked mysteriously: "Brother Dong, you must have taken care of those guys, right?"

"I'll be with you the whole time!" Jiang Dong said with a faint smile, "Don't talk nonsense, if those stupid beeps walk on the uncovered sewer, they can't pin the shit bowl on me!"

"You're awesome!" Xu Yangguang gave Jiang Dong a thumbs up, and finally gave up asking about the whereabouts of Han Ming and the others.

"Didn't you say that the dormitory building is locked at nine o'clock? Why are so many people not going back to the dormitory? It's already eight forty!" He Lin suddenly asked.

"You don't know that, do you?" Xu Yangguang seemed to be very experienced. "After the sophomore year, you don't have to go back to the dormitory. Many people are renting houses with their girlfriends outside!"

"So that's it!" Lu Zhuang nodded seriously, "So it's just for our freshmen."

"Old Lu, do you envy the young couple who rent a house outside?" He Lin joked.

"I'm not envious!" Old Lu Zhuang blushed, and couldn't help but defend himself.

"This kind of thing depends entirely on each person's opinion. Don't look at the couples who are vowing to each other. In fact, they are just to solve their physical needs. At this age that doesn't know how to love, how many couples can successfully walk out of college and into weddings? Palace?" Xu Yangguang said old-fashioned.

"That's not right!" Jiang Dong couldn't help complaining about Xu Yangguang, "You are a beginner, you have never even chased a girl, how can you have such an unforgettable opinion?"

"Lying grass! Look down on me?" Xu Yangguang jumped up instantly, "I am a master of theory, a master of philosophy!"

"Okay! You beep!" Jiang Dong couldn't help laughing.

To be honest, Jiang Dong has now begun to integrate into this leisurely and ordinary university life, and has fallen in love with this kind of life deeply.

If possible, Jiangdong hopes to never be broken.

Not long after, the four of Jiangdong rushed back to the dormitory before nine o'clock.

It might be because of drinking, or it might be the first day of school, anyway, several people are very excited, chatting all over the place, unknowingly chatting until the middle of the night, and then fell asleep with more than enough content.

Military training is something that every freshman has to go through. It is tiring, but it is definitely the half month that most people exercise the most during their four years in college.

Early in the morning, all kinds of alarms rang in the dormitories of freshmen. The small group in dormitory 202 struggled on the bed for a long time, and finally got up reluctantly.

The four of Jiangdong got up in a daze, washed up briefly, changed into green military training uniforms, and left the dormitory. However, at the main entrance of the dormitory building, they ran into a few uninvited guests. Jiang Dong slapped Li Yang in the face!

Li Yang, with a gloomy face, led a few arrogant seniors, and blocked the main entrance of the No. 2 dormitory building. When he saw Jiangdong and the others coming out, Li Yang led a group of people to meet them. It seemed that they were Wait for Jiangdong!

Li Yang sneered at Jiang Dong and said, "Stop! During the military training period, the dormitory hygiene must be done well. Now, as a member of the student union, I am going to check your dormitory hygiene!"

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