While Jiang Dong was waiting for the dishes, the elusive Tang Hao suddenly appeared behind Jiang Dong at some point, "Some people like to judge people by their appearance. In fact, sometimes, there are certain things that you can't see with your own eyes. it is true."

"Brother Hao, did you do it on purpose?" Jiang Dong turned his head and looked at Tang Hao curiously. The owner of the hot pot restaurant gave Jiang Dong a very strange feeling. His story was far from being as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"For sure!" Tang Hao gave a bad laugh, "Brother Hao is very accurate in seeing people, those two women are typical snobbish eyes, I hate this kind of people the most, but they still have snobbish eyes A pair of ignorant eyes, I will definitely help you teach them a lesson!"

"Then what do you think of the other woman?" Jiang Dong was attracted by Tang Hao's words.

"Her? Xia Mumu! The foreign language department has countless suitors. However, my brother advises you to stay away from her. It is best not to have any entanglements with her." Tang Hao smiled mysteriously at Jiang Dong.

"Why?" Jiang Dong asked curiously.

"This woman is not simple." Tang Hao leisurely lit a cigarette, "The mental age is estimated to be forty years old."

"Don't you just say that people have scheming intentions?" Jiang Dong curled his lips.

"If you understand it this way, there's nothing wrong with it!" Tang Hao patted Jiang Dong's shoulder, "Okay, I'll go out and squat for a while, you should be busy first!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Hao walked out of the hot pot restaurant, squatted down to the side of the road, and smoked a cigarette on his own, as if immersed in his own world, which actually gave Jiang Dong a very melancholy feeling.

People with stories!

The hot pot restaurant is very busy, so busy that Jiang Dong has no time to learn about Tang Hao's story.

After more than an hour, the busy hot pot restaurant gradually quieted down. The customers who were supposed to leave basically all left, and there were only a few tables left, and among them was Xia Mumu's table.

"Little brother, that's it for today, let's go to military training!" Tang Hao stood behind Jiang Dong without anyone noticing, and patted Jiang Dong's shoulder lightly.

Jiang Dong was taken aback by Tang Hao, because this was the second time Tang Hao had quietly touched Jiang Dong's back!

Jiang Dong is now a master of Muay Thai, and his physical function has also been improved to a certain extent. If he really lets go of the fight, even the former Wucheng's number one master may not be able to resist Jiang Dong.

And what about Tang Hao?

Touching Jiangdong's back silently twice in a row, this can only show one thing, Tang Hao is a master who hides deeply, at least a lot stronger than Xu Yang and Tie Nan!

It's a bit intriguing that such a master of beeping hides himself and even opens a hot pot restaurant.

"Brother Hao, can you stop appearing behind me like a ghost?" Jiang Dong complained dissatisfied.

"Get used to it!" Tang Hao scratched his head, raised his chin towards Xia Mumu's table, and said calmly to Jiang Dong, "I'm waiting for you, let's go!"

Jiang Dong didn't speak, just shrugged his shoulders, went to the back kitchen, changed into his military training uniform, and walked out of the hot pot restaurant without saying hello to Xia Mumu.

Once the money is earned, the next step is to sign in. As for where to sign in, Jiang Dong hasn't figured it out yet...

"Student! Wait for me!" Suddenly, Xia Mumu's voice sounded behind Jiang Dong.

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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