Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 604 I did it, you can do whatever you want

"Squad leader bull beep!"

"The squad leader is mighty!"

"Come on! Order!"

"If you don't get drunk today, you won't go home!"

Everyone's attention quickly shifted from Xu Mengmeng and Xu Yangguang to the menu.

Turning grief and anger into a battle of food intake, the curtain was drawn.

In the main hall of Datang Hot Pot Restaurant, six large rectangular wooden tables are put together to form a table. The six hot pots are surrounded by countless delicious dishes, and the table is almost too big to fit.

It is no exaggeration to say that this special big table is the most shining stage of Datang Hot Pot Restaurant tonight. Almost all the diners cast curious and envious eyes on this table...

As the squad leader and the initiator of this dinner party, Jiang Dong toasted frequently, while He Lin and Lu Zhuang turned into two generals, Heng Ha, and began to hold back wine for Jiang Dong. Don't say it, don't look surprised that the duo is usually cowardly He didn't talk much, but when he drank, he was unambiguous at all, and he drank the glass as soon as he raised it, almost blocking three quarters of the wine for Jiang Dong.

As for Xu Yangguang, this guy has shamelessly betrayed him. During the whole banquet, he only focused on chatting with Xu Mengmeng, completely disregarding his brother's life and death, and let the three of Jiangdong drink with the twenty or so strong men on the table who turned their grief and anger into food. stand up.

"Squad leader, I respect you, you are definitely the most forthright person I have ever met in my life!" Zheng Tao, who was in the next room in room 203, raised his glass, "I'm done, the squad leader can do whatever he wants!"

Zheng Tao also belongs to the kind of tall and burly man, a bold man from the Northeast, after drinking a glass of wine, he immediately stood over to Jiangdong, pointed to the twenty or so students opposite him and shouted: "Brother, I will block the drink for the squad leader today. If you don't accept it, let your horse come over!"

"Lying grass! I will join too!"

"Everyone advances and retreats together!"

Zheng Tao's roommates also joined the battlefield one after another. There were eight people in dormitories 202 and 203. No, the seven people merged and joined the class for a drink. The atmosphere was directly pushed to the peak.

Jiang Dong also gradually accepted and fell in love with this kind of daily life.

Compared with the life-and-death fighting and mutual calculation in Wucheng, now is the correct way to open up life.

However, Jiang Dong knows better than anyone that with as much ability as he has, he has to bear as much responsibility. The current comfort is only temporary, and he still has a long way to go in the future!

Having said that, it's temporary, so enjoy it!

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the atmosphere was so lively that even Tang Hao came over for a few drinks.

Through military training, dinner parties, and Jiang Dong's personal heroism and generosity, almost all the students in the class have been won over by Jiang Dong.

For example, if what happened to Han Ming happened again yesterday, right now, this group of young men who are at the top will definitely be the first to refuse!

According to this progress, Jiang Dong may not need 72 hours to get the approval and support of the whole class!

Gradually, the sky outside darkened.

"Brothers, are you almost done eating? Let's go to the bar?" Jiang Dong proposed to go to a nearby bar to continue playing.

"Listen to the squad leader's arrangement!"

"Wherever the squad leader points out, we will fight!"


The students simply follow Jiangdong's lead.

"Brother Hao, pay the bill!" Jiang Dong smiled with satisfaction, although a little dizzy, but still sober, he only drank three bottles of beer in total.

"Two thousand and seven discounts after the deal." Tang Hao handed the bill to Jiang Dong, but Jiang Dong didn't answer it, and directly gave Tang Hao two thousand and seven.

Get along with people like Tang Hao, as much as you want, because he is not the owner of supermarkets and fruit shops.

After paying the bill, Jiang Dong turned his attention to Xu Mengmeng.

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