"Okay! I'll give you face, after all, I'm playing in your place!" Yu Zihao stared at A Le coldly, then turned his eyes to Jiang Dong, "As for you, walk out of this door, we will live and die together Destiny!"

"Hehe!" Jiang Dong laughed disdainfully, he really didn't take people like Yu Zihao seriously, "We'll see."

"Let's go! Go drink! After drinking, let's see how I teach him a lesson!" Yu Zihao waved his hand, and the crowd scattered away.

Yu Zihao and his group returned to the booth next door, while Jiang Dong's group stayed in the big booth.

Ale didn't leave immediately, but secretly glanced at Jiang Dong.

Jiang Dong waved his hand at A Le calmly, signaling A Le to leave it alone, then blinked at A Le, and his eyes drifted to Yu Zihao's direction, meaning to let A Le stay out of trouble for a while, He will find a way to get back Yu Zihao's face. After all, Nanxian District is now the base of Jiang Dong and others.

A Le immediately understood, and led the brothers to leave.

"Students, it's okay. It's time to drink and play." Jiang Dong clapped his hands, drawing the attention of everyone who was still in shock to him, "Don't worry about this matter, I will solve it."

Although Jiang Dong's words could not completely reassure everyone, at least they had a bottom line in their hearts.

"Squad leader is so righteous!"

"Squad leader is righteous!"

"Bull beep!"

Everyone spoke one after another, expressing their respect to Jiang Dong.

At this time, drinks, melons and fruits were put on the table one after another, and the atmosphere became active again, but no one noticed Jiang Dong's little action... He took the bad luck card out of the system package, and opened it, and the target person It was Yu Zihao in the booth next door!

To clean up Yu Zihao, that must be done, but the influence of the old man of Yu Zihao's family in Nanxian District is very important, and using Wu Cheng's routine to deal with him will easily set him on fire. This is not Jiang Dong's original intention.

As a result, the bad luck card that Jiangdong obtained before came in handy, and it was most suitable for Zihao!

After finishing everything, Jiang Dong sat back in the booth again.

Xu Yangguang and Xu Mengmeng both came over.

"Brother Dong, let me handle this matter!" Xu Yangguang no longer had his usual playful smile, and it could be seen that this matter brought him a lot of pressure.

"No need." Jiang Dong patted Xu Yangguang's shoulder and said with a smile, "Guangyang, do you believe me?"

"I definitely believe in Brother Dong!" Xu Yangguang said, patting his chest.

"Then don't meddle, remember, don't meddle, otherwise it's easy to get burned!" Jiang Dong said to Xu Yangguang sternly.

The bad luck card will bring bad luck to Zihao within 24 hours. Although it won't cause death or disability, Jiang Dong can't guarantee what the result will be.

If Xu Yangguang suddenly intervenes at this time, it is very likely that he will be implicated, and the Yu family's anger will be poured on Xu Yangguang!

"Okay!" Xu Yangguang nodded seriously.

Jiang Dong didn't say anything more, but turned his head to look at Xu Mengmeng, whose face was sinking like water, "Student Xu, do you believe me?"

"Trust!" Xu Mengmeng nodded without hesitation.

"Uh..." Jiang Dong expressed surprise, even a little embarrassment.

Response without thinking, unconditional trust, this kind of thing should not happen to Xu Mengmeng and Jiang Dong, right?

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